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Unknown Number

Can we please talk
Look I was being a jerk
But now I realized it
I love you Kora

The hell's wrong with you Riux

You knew it was me?

You're the only thick face jerk to text and pester me at 2AM
And I'm done with that
I'm done with always waiting for you
I'm done trying to always understand you
I'm done trying to consider your fat ass son of a b*tch pride

So that's it
After the past 2 years that's it?
Haven't you thought that maybe I had a reason why I did that

Oh now you want to tell me the reason you're such an ass?
The reason why you cheated?
Because if you're just going to justify your wring doings then find a rock to talk to

You're way too harsh Kora
Can't you just listen?

Have you ever considered listening to me
Oh wait you did and you called me dramatic for it
You called my family problems dramatic
My rants dramatic
My attacks dramatic
And now you want me to listen to your reasons?
I'm done listening to you allll the time Riux

You didn't love me huh
Or was it because you're now f*cking that new guy
You're so immature trying to make me jealous Kora

The f*ck
You really don't know how to not have people hate you to the bones huh
Well you see Riux
Loving you is my BIGGEST regret
And immature?
You call that immature?
Tell me about immaturity Riux because I'm sure you're a master when it comes to that
You f*ckin made out with a girl when your f*cking younger brother YOUNGER BROTHER took a picture of me!

Then you could've told me and I can take a picture of you!
Come on Kora let's just talk I'm coming now

You were busy and mad at me remember?😃
And don't even bother coming when you can't even be patient enough to wait
My world doesn't revolve around you anymore Riux
And it will never revolve around you again

(You blocked this number)

A Break Up's Systematic Linger (Broken System #2)Where stories live. Discover now