biggie death

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March  9 , 1997 aailyha POV  I really cant believe  that  biggie  gone right all   now   all west coast vs  east coast  went on to long now   it coast   us two great  artist    I can only imagine  how  kim n faith are feeling   at this moment   I wish all this stuff is over soon  it was all a missunderding  that cause  two  coast  to go against  each other     he was like second  brother  to me he always  says  don't  worry I'll mama  as long u wit me u are safe  I just  want  to move  on  wit my life it seems like everyone  wanted  know about  the whole  r Kelly  thing  girl don't  worry about  left eye  said  people  are going  to  talk  I feel like that wen  father  died  6 years ago   biggie n pac would  always  be missed no matter  what  I hope people  will  be able to sit down just talk to each other   without  all this extra  shit  how school  going  its. Fine I get a few months  to go  now   I heard about  what happen to  yall  don't  worry  we will be fine  girl  it just want  to the same  without  him  lisa   yeah I feel the same wen it comes to pac  they were firends  at one point  after  pac get shot  things changed  to bad they didn't  get talk   each other  to it wasn't  them  it was the fans     it has to be hard to leave two great  people  back to back I hope they found  peace.

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