Overthought - ATEEZ Jongho

132 8 20

Choi Jongho Fluff(?) x Girl

Word count: 885


Although Jongho looked relatively calm, he was dying on the inside.

It was nearly impossible to write with his sweaty palms and he stopped truly paying attention to his surroundings the moment he'd sat down at his desk.

The short conversation they'd had kept replaying in his anxious mind as he tried deciphering her language.

"Y/N!" He remembered calling prior to the lunch bell ringing.

He was almost sure he saw her eyes twinkle a bit when she saw him. But had he just imagined it? Maybe that was what his mind wanted him to see; her eyes always look like that around him.

Or did he really see it?

"What's up?" She'd said, staring at him brightly. Her smile was blinding to him, if he stared at it too long it would be engraved to his head for the rest of the day.

Now that he thought about it, he stared at her a little bit too long before speaking. He couldn't help it, for her face was just as appealing to him as her personality.

Could that have scared her away?

"I was wondering..." He'd nervously laughed before continuing, the once soft butterflies in his stomach started hurting him. "Would you maybe be free today after school for ice cream?" He scratched the back of his neck, trying to relieve his tensed body.

"As friends, or..."

"As a date," he finished for her.

He saw her eyes widen and her mouth fell slightly open, as if she was shocked.

He hoped that it was a good type of shocked- but maybe she was stunned because she knew how out of her league he was.

For Jongho, she was like the most popular girl in the world.

And he, was just a house cat.

Why did he ask her out? Pondering on it, he decided was no way in his mind that a girl like her would go on a date with him. It was still hard for him to believe that she considered him a friend.

That was quite the accomplishment.

"Ah..." She'd started, a soft smile forming on her lips. She stared at his chest, thinking about how to answer him. The longer she took the bigger the butterflies inside him became. Was she thinking of a nice way to reject him? "I'll... I can tell you after school, if that's okay with you?" She asked.

He could swear that the only thing he saw in her eyes was pure joy.

But that, undoubtedly, was just in his head.

It didn't quite make sense to the confused boy, why would it take two classes to find a way to reject him?

He imagined that she was making fun of him with her friends.

But what if she wasn't??

He'd nodded happily, only glad that she had yet to say no. "Yeah, lets meet by the front gate!"

Her smile grew wider as she gave him a nod. He thought he saw her eyes go down to his lips for a bit longer than normal- but she could've been looking at something else.

But again, she really could've been looking at his lips.

Jongho hardly felt this way; he was never this nervous to ask someone out. The worst they could say to him was no, he couldn't understand why he so nervous this time around. Jongho's mind thought there was nothing different about her, that he simply found her cute.

But his heart knew different.

He liked paying attention to his head more, it's gave him more control with his life. His heart was always all over the place, usually leaving him disappointed in the end.

The boy jumped when the last bell rang. Usually he'd be thankful that time passed quickly, especially in a class as horrible as Social Studies.

But now he had to go and meet with Y/N, and he wasn't ready for that.

He slowly paved through the halls, earning some pushes from the kids behind him who eagerly rushed towards the doors.

Hes was by the front gate in no time, no matter how much he tried procrastinating. Time flew by him like the speed of light.

He leaned on a wall in the front of the school, trying to casually scroll through social media.

He looked casual, but he felt otherwise.

He lost his composure when he felt someone tap his shoulder, nearly jumping out of his shoes.

Y/N giggles at him as his face reddens, cutely smiling at his reactions. He tries shaking off his embarrassment(physically, not mentally) and seems to quickly collect himself.

"Hey Jongho," she says luminously.

The boy smiled lightly, admiring the girl's unique features. "Hey."

Her breath caught in her throat, as if she was hesitating to do something.

Did she feel bad for rejecting him?

She slowly and awkwardly intertwined their hands. She looks at the ground, avoiding all eye contact with Jongho.

Somehow, his face turned more pink than it was just a few seconds ago. Her hand were soft and a little bit sweaty, but he'd hold them for the rest of the year if he could.

It felt right.

Both their smiles were precious, and the anxiety Jongho was previously feeling disappeared.

"So... about that ice cream place?"

Fist one shot lol, would yall be interested in a part two of this?

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