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Hey Guys! So this a story my ex and I are writing together! Note the whole "thetriplej" thing on the cover. -.- I lost a bet so yeah. Anywho! Please enjoy!



“Father!” My voice was loud as I walked down the stone corridor. My tone had a tad bit of venom attached to the word as well. “Oh Father!”

            I saw him step out of his study to meet me, his gaze watching me while I walked up to him rather upset. His eyes twinkled with amusement as he watched me glare at him. I lifted my chin as I walked right past him and into his study. My father couldn’t seem to contain the chuckle he had at my appearance. Well could I blame him? I was in the midst of my training when my sparring partner decided to rub it in my face that I was to be engaged! Of course, I had no idea which only made me stumble in shock then develop a rather cranky gleam to my eyes as I finished my match. I didn’t even bother changing back into my gown before I went to see him. I was still in my over-sized tunic and breeches.

            “Eris! For what reason do I owe the pleasure of your visit too?” He smiled at me when I stopped pacing long enough to glare at him.

            “You very well know! Why am I among the last to know about my engagement?! One would think that I would be among the first to know! Instead my sparring partner, Rocherwick, decided to bring it up in the midst of our match!” I snapped, my eyes now glinting dangerously in the sunlight. “How is it that everybody else knows but not me?”

            My father leaned against his desk chuckling even more. “I knew you would react like this. However your mother wished to keep it a secret from you. She said it would be a pleasant surprise to learn that you were to be married.”

            I rolled my eyes at his statement. “Petunia is not my mother. She never will be. She will never replace my mother, and her ignorant daughter will never be my sister! And of course she’d say it’s a great surprise. She doesn’t give a donkey’s ass about me! She never has, thus meaning she never will!”

            My father regarded me coolly as he watched me pace back and forth in his office. My hands fidgeted with the long sleeves as I finally stopped by his bookcase. It had all of mother’s favorites. I took out one book and gently stroked the spine. My mother was an avid reader. She rather enjoyed the classics just like I do. She used to read to me quite a bit as a child. Before she died that is. I put the book back before I turned to look at my father. He was watching me with a small amount of pity in his eyes.

            “Eris…” His voice was soft as he watched me turn back to the bookcase.

            “Why did you arrange this marriage?” My voice was also soft as I regarded him with a calm persistence in my deep blue eyes.

            He looked at me, looking slightly flustered. “Well you see, it was a way to protect you from upcoming trials.”

            “That’s not a valid answer, Father.”

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