Just Friends

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   "So, are you ready for the party?" Asked Amber when she called me that evening after school.

"I guess. I just hope people show up."

"Don't worry. That's never be a problem. If anything, the problem will be to control how many people show up."

"I guess you know more about it than I do," I said.

"Yeah, last year things got out of hand and your mom almost caught us."

"I still feel bad about lying to her."

"Don't think of it as lying to her," explained Amber. "Think of it as protecting her. All she would do is stress out and there's no need. We're all just there to have fun and stay off the streets. In a way, we're doing our parents a favor."

"Now that's a new way to look at it," I said laughing.

"Well, I aim to please," she drawled with a smile in her voice.

"So, what about Jon? Have you talked to him yet?"

"Yeah, he's being a prick about everything as usual. He says he doesn't want to spend our time together hanging out with a bunch of kids."

Jon graduated early last year and now considered himself to be above high school. Sometimes I got the impression he treated Amber like she should be thankful he even dated her. I so wished she could get away from him. I knew Jerri was a lost cause, but Amber might still be able to get out of his grip.

"He just thinks he's so grown up now because he doesn't have to go to school," Amber said.

"I know; I'm just giving you a hard time. But I really want you to be there."

"I do too! I'll figure something out, don't worry."

"Good," I replied. "Besides, I need all the support I can get."

"Speaking of support, what about Josh?"

"I don't know. He told me in chemistry today that David told him about the party."

"David Dasani?" Interrupted Amber.

"Yeah, why?"

"I just always thought there was something so sexy about him," she breathed.

"Really? I never would have guessed that. Why haven't you ever told me?"

"I don't know, he's never come up in conversation. But I noticed him last year when he grew like four inches. He looks so good on the court."

"Well listen to you," I teased. "I didn't know you even could see other boys past Jon."

"Shut up!" She said smiling. "I have a boyfriend, I'm not dead."

"I completely understand," I agreed. "So, then you need to ditch Jon and come see David."

"Oh please, even if I did get rid of Jon for a while, David never talks to me. What makes you think he would Saturday?"

"Because I can put in a good word for you."

"What?" She asked.

"Nothing obvious, I swear," I defended. "I could just mention to Josh that you might like to get to know David better."

"I would die!"

"You would not! Besides, I don't know if Josh will even be here this weekend. He hasn't really given me a heads-up yet."

"Okay, then I'll make you a deal. I'll try to find a way to be here alone for David if you make an effort to get Josh to show up. AND...you have to talk to him in public at the party," Amber demanded.

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