Poor connection.

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"So, are you saying that we shouldn't be upset?" Taylor asked quite infuriated.
Nash took in a deep breath, desending his arms down his body as he let out air.
"No, that's not what I am saying .." Nash implied before Carter cut him off.
"Then what was is?" Carter yelled.
Nash threw his hands up, I couldn't help but feel like a piece of shit. I shouldn't have said anything.
"Okay, everyone in the living room." Nash yelled.
I sat there, helplessly as I watched Cameron, Matthew, Taylor, Jack, Jack and Hayes, enter the living room.
Nash stood in the middle of the living room, my heart began to sink as Matt caught my eye.
He had been crying, his eye's were red as can be. It was a moment that you just knew, Cam was helping him.
"You guys don't need to all just blame Ariel, it wasn't just her. Me and hayes were part of it." Nash said pointing to his chest.
"You don't know what that has done to Matthew and Mahogany." Cameron said sternly. Nash laughed.
"Matthew and Mahogany did this to themselves. The thing is .. Ariel didn't ask to be hurt! Matthew cheated and fucked with Ariel and Mahogany." Nash yelled as he pointed to you.
"Here is the question everyone would like to know, and it's for Matthew." Hayes asked as his placed his hands in his lap.
"Why did you do it?" Hayes questioned.
Right then, my heart sunk.
This was the question I had been dying to ask, and with in a few seconds it would all become clear. I took in a deep breath and closed my eyes.
Matthew cleared his throat, I could feel him looking at me. Opening my eyes, Matthew looked away.
"I did it because I didn't think Ariel would find out. I know none of you guys, besides Cameron will believe me but I love Ariel." Matthew said.
I wanted to laugh and cry at the same time.
"Ariel, anything you would like to say to that?" Nash asked, all eyes staring at me.
"If you loved me, then why did you tell Mahogany that you were only with me because you thought if you left that I would commit suicide? That's love?" I asked, hands shaking.
"Damn." Carter whispered.
"I'm with Ariel on that one. You fucked up Matthew, Everyone knew Ariel was down to earth for you." Taylor said as everyone nodded their head.
"I don't know. I just caught feelings for Mahogany!" Matt yelled as he strugged his shoulders.
"No, that's not why." I said, looking down at my sweats, pulling out the thread.
"What do you mean?" Carter asked.

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