He is gone.

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I looked pathetic standing on stage, shouting to another male.
Matthew and Carter looked in the direction in which I was yelling.
"What? I don't see Hayes." Matthew said looking confused.
I pushed Matthew out of the way and ran off stage, following the direction in which Hayes went.
"Not again." Taylor said throwing his hands up.
Nash and Matthew came running after me.
"Hayes! Hayes!" I screamed and shouted.
"Please don't do this!" I yelled.
Matthew and Nash came up behind me, grabbing me.
"What? What is happening?" Nash asked scared but eager.
I couldn't breath, I had be running in a panic.
"Hayes! He held up a sign." I cried.
Matthew gave a confused look, Nash had a straight face of concern.
"Okay. He held up a sign, and?" Nash asked in a rush.
Taking in all the air I could, I looked up.
"The sign said 'Goodbye.'" I heavily whispered.
"Oh my god." Nash cried and ran off.

My heart beat echoed throughout my ears, constantly reminding me of this nightmare I couldn't escape from. No words, No sensual feeling and No touch could ever drain the direct sight of me seeing Hayes standing with a sign, helpless. Eye's stained red, Stomach turning, Feeling beyond weak.

"He's gone." Nash calmly said.

Nash was crying.
Matt was holding me up.
Cam came rushing in.
Carter called for help.
Taylor punched the wall.
Jack G held down Nash.
Jack J cried in the cornor.
Mahogany stood in fear.
I hit the ground.
And Hayes was gone.

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