Paintball and Proposals (Elijah Mikaelson)

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Summary: Reader is in an intense situation with the family of their boyfriend, Elijah. If they can make it to the other side, they might just get the happy ending they've been waiting for.


My heart pounded in my ears as I crouched behind the couch, trying to breathe as quietly as possible. I clutched my weapon like my life depended on it, listening intently for any sounds to warn me of a coming attack. Hiding from one Original vampire was hard enough, but three? Three was going to kill me.

I heard a floorboard creak to my left, and I whirled in that direction. The Mikaelson compound always seemed huge, but right now it felt enormous, big and mostly empty with about a million different hiding places.

"Come out come out wherever you are, darling," I heard Kol's sing song voice whisper. My heart started beating faster against my will, and I realized it was useless. I was human, which made me slow, but most importantly it meant the vampires could hear my heartbeat.

I had no shot at hiding, especially not like this.

I needed to act and move as quickly as possible. I took a few deep breaths to steady myself, and then I popped up and started shooting over the back of the couch. My eyes locked on Kol after the first second, and I readjusted my aim to hit him right in the chest.

Pink paint exploded against his gray shirt, and flecks splashed up onto his chin, too.

"Ha! Eat shit Mikaelson!" I yelled, racing out of the room as fast as I could. Kol was still reeling, and he had to go tag up at our respawn location (the fountain in the middle of the compound) before he could get revenge.

It was Nik and Rebekah that I had to worry about now.

See, as the significant other of one of the Originals, I necessarily met all of his siblings too. Sometimes, the Mikaelson siblings absolutely hated the people their family brought home. Luckily for me, that wasn't the case in my situation. I'd hit it off the bat with all of Elijah's siblings, to the point where they were like family to me. So, on a boring weekday afternoon with nothing going on and Elijah out of the house, I turned to his siblings to find entertainment. I'd found Kol first, and we quickly landed on the idea of a Mikaelson-Y/L/N paintball war.

And I was determined to win.

I ran across the balcony in a crouch, keeping my eyes peeled for Original snipers. I ducked into Nik's study, turning the radio up to full blast as soon as possible. Try hearing my heartbeat over that! Ha!

I ducked and dodged around furniture in the room as I crossed it, staying alert in case Nik was already in here. I made it to a position with a good angle on the doorway, then crouched down to lie in wait. Somebody would hear the music and come snooping. It was just a matter of who, and when.

The disadvantage of the loud music was that it interfered with my hearing, too. Nik was smart, and apparently he'd decided to use his speed to his advantage. He rushed into the room faster than I could register and just started unloading a cartridge of paintballs without aiming, apparently hoping he'd manage to hit me with sheer volume. Unfortunately for the wannabe Bruce Willis, he'd gone a little too far into the room, which meant I had a clear shot at his back.

I tapped the trigger twice, and two corresponding splatters of pink paint appeared on the back of his jacket.

Nik turned around to face me in defeat, and I met his look with an absolutely massive grin.

"Human two, vampires zero," I said.

"Alright love, you may have won this one." Nik swaggered towards me, beginning the trek to our real-life respawn spot. He stopped right next to me to whisper in my ear. "But it's not over."

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