chapter 1

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"what would you like today?" i yawned as i asked the lady who just entered the bakery. it seems like i have yawned about a million times today. what can i say? waking up everyday at 5 am, go to school, rush to work, go home around 10 pm but having to stay up till midnight to do homework, then finally getting a good 5-6 hours of sleep was a pretty good description of an exhausting life. i didn't even think it was possible for someone's life to be this messy.

but i thought wrong.

"regular coffee, please. no sugar." i nodded and turned around to make the lady her coffee. i finished making her coffee and she payed and left. it was the same cycle everyday. nothing in my life was as exciting as having the days off on the weekends and hanging out with my best frie-

right on cue, michael, my best friend since pre-school, march right in the shop. he's got a big smile on his face so i assumed his mother allowed him to adopt kittens or he got some new video games. michael skipped happily to the front counter.
"rosa rosa rosa rosaaaA" michael said in a sing song voice. 'how's my rosa doing? he asked, reaching out to grab a cookie but i swat his hand away.

"jesus christ michael that cookie is not for you. it's for selling." i scolded him and he pouts then quickly smile again. i can never be angry at him when he was so sprightly all the time.

'wanna know why i'm so happy today?' he asked as i was about to ask him the same thing. i nodded.

he sucked in a deep breath and said slowly, "i got myself my first gig at the bar downtown next monday night" he finished with a huge grin on his face. i couldn't help but jump up and down in excitement. michael was an amazing singer and guitar play ever since he was little. i got the chance to watch him and his talent grow and this was his chance to shine.

"mikey!! i'm so happy for you. i'm going to be sitting there watching you in the very front" i told him and he jumped over the counter to give me a bear hug.

"i love you i love you i love you!!!" michael says as he kisses the top of my head.


it was currently 9:45 pm and i couldn't wait for my shift to finally come to an end at 10 pm. the shop was dead and silent, who would come buy bread at 10 at night?

i took this opportunity to get out my homework and start finishing it, wishing i wouldn't have to stay up late tonight and finish it.

"im pretty sure i don't use this shit in real life" i groaned as i starting working on my math homework. even working as a cashier, i never came across a time where i had to find an area of a piece of loaf.

10 minutes later i was still stuck on number 1. none of this made anything sense to me considering the fact that i usually take a snooze in that class. i groaned in frustration and put my head down.

"the answer is 14" a deep voice said all of a sudden and i quickly sprang up. i saw a hazel eyed and dirty blonde curly haired boy standing in front of the counter. he wasn't too tall or too short, perfect height. his dimples showing as he smiles at me.

i was confused as how he managed to entered the bakery so quietly (not that i would have noticed since i was so close to falling asleep on the cashier counter). i quickly shoved my homework to the side and stood up, fixing my shirt and apron. i cleared my throat seeing as the boy's still looking at me with amusement in his eyes.

"what would you like today?" i asked him and he snapped out of his thoughts. he pointed to the banana bread and i nodded. i put some slices in a bag.

"$3.56 is your total" i told him and he handed me a $5 bill. i took some change from the machine and held it out for him. he just shook his head motioning me to keep the change. he smiled then turn around to leave. before he left he looked back and smiled at me one last time. i smiled back then just like that, he left.

i stood there alone confused as hell. the boy never said one word to me except the answer to my stupid math question. i shrugged and took off my apron as i get ready to clean and close the shop, getting everything ready for my shift tomorrow night.

hola i am the author of this upcoming sucky book nice 2 meet u!!
anyway, in this first chapter i just wanted y'all to get to know rosa a little bit & wanted rosa to meet ashton for the first time
which was tbh creepy and hella awkward

thx for reading u rock:))

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