chapter 2

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"and the whole time he didn't even say a damn word" i was telling michael the story of the weird visit from an attractive boy at the bakery last night while feeding him pizza. everytime michael was playing video games, he'd always make me feed him food since he's 'too busy focusing on the game that he can't feed himself'.

"he sounds like a creep" michael says with his mouth full of pizza.

"no shit michael. what if he comes back and rape me but nobody can help me because they're too busy sleeping" i say seriously and michael laughed.

"who would rape you even if they got the chance?!" michael teased and i shoved the rest of the pizza in his mouth.

i crossed my arms and mumbled swear words as michael attack me with hugs and kisses on the cheek.


i was laying in bed watching american horror story when i decided to pick up my phone and call my mom. i haven't talked to her in a month. last time we spoke she was yelling at me and it was pissing me off so i hung up on her. i've never tried to talk to her since. i dialed her number and she picks up on the third ring.

"rosa?" she sounded calm but there was a hint of sadness in her voice.

"hi mom. how are you doing?" i asked and she sighed.

"i'm doing alright. how are you doing all by yourself in the big world?" i laugh at how she thinks i'm still her little girl.

"i still work at the bakery that i told you about. and good news is i'm still going to school no matter how much i want to drop out" i jokingly say and we both laugh and it was good to hear her laugh. ever since the day i got kicked out of the house, my mom and I have been very distant with each other and I absolutely hate it.

i talked to her for 30 more minutes then i had to leave for my shift at the bakery. i sigh then quickly hop into the shower. i really didn't want to be late to work again remembering the event of me getting yelled at by my boss in front of many customers last time i got to work 5 minutes late.

luckily, i got to the bakery in time and almost right away i had 500 tasks to do. the shop is quite popular and is always busy during my shift.
it was currently 9:30 pm and the crowd of customers from 2 hours ago were all gone. the shop was silent and i was the only one there. i took this opportunity to listen to some music. i put on 'stacy's mom' by fountains of wayne and blasted the volumn. i hummed along to the song as i start to clean up the shop a little bit.

"i like this song" a voice says behind me and i jumped. i spun around to meet the boy who i met last night.

"you really need to fucking stop doing that" i say breathless as i put my hand over my chest to calm myself down. he chuckled.

"it's not funny" i mumbled looking away, feeling awkward at how he was starring at me watching my every move and still not saying a word. i fixed my apron an my shirt and stood behind the cashier.

"what would you like today?" i asked. he points to the banana bread and held up two fingers, indicating two slices this time. i simply nodded and put some in a bag. and like last time, he wanted me to keep the change.

he took a seat nearest to the counter and just sat there. no talking, no nothing. i've never felt more uncomfortable in my life. i decided to just pretend like he wasn't here and clean up the shop and get everything ready for tomorrow.

"sir, we're closed for the night" i say and he gets up and push in the chair nicely like i did to the other chairs. he walks out of he bakery and stood in front of the show like he was waiting for me. i sigh and closed all the lights and locked the shop's door.

"do you usually walk home alone this late at night?" he asked and i was surprised to hear him say something. i nodded.

"can i walk you home? from now on?" he asks and i wanted so badly to run away as fast as i can before i get raped.

"why do you want to?" i asked.

"well if you can't already tell it's so god damn dark outside and i just don't want anything bad happening to you" he says and i laugh. he gave me a confuse look.

"i've been walking home by myself for about a year now. if someone wanted to hurt me, they would've already." i say and he rolled his eyes.

"just let me walk you home please" he practically begged and i don't know why but i couldn't resists him.

"fine. just dont rape me or something." i joked but he didn't laugh.

we started walking together to my apartment. he kept his distance from me but we were still close. the whole walk was so silent that i could practically hear our breath against the cold air. we made it to my apartment in about 6 minutes and we were awkwardly standing in front of my room.

"thanks for walking me. i better go and catch some sleep now" i say and he nodded. he started walking away and i started unlocking my door. before i went inside my apartment, i looked back and so did he. our eyes locked for a moment before i gave him a smile. he smiled back and i went inside, closing the door behind me.

it's only the second chapter and i already have no idea where to go with this fanfic yIKES

ashton is so god damn awkward i cri

thx for reading u rock!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2015 ⏰

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