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Blasian summer key

3 weeks later

"3 weeks since that crackhead has been here" I mumbled to myself as I tried to cook dinner for me and Melody

"What are you in here burning girl"

"Eat this or eat some bread and ketchup your choice"

"When is powder man coming back at least he can drop us off some food"

"Probably out doing what's he- you know what why am I talking to you like your grown"

"Because I am a responsible young lady"

"Girl bye" I said and my phone started ringing

"Melody answer that"


"Who you"

"I'm Melody the question is why you calling my sister folk"

"Melody give me the phone" I said and she handed it over

"White ass voice I'm Melody" lean tried to mock her

"Leave my sister alone"

"Yo sister started the bull with me"

"A seven year old started a argument with you yeah okay"

"She did wit her smart mouth ass just like you"

"I don't have a smart mouth" I said rolling my eyes like he could see

"Roll them eyes again they gone get stuck"

"Nigga are you watching me"

"Don't worry about that"

"Weird little boy" I mumbled

"You should stop by the gang over"

"Who all over there"

"Nigga didn't I just say the gang"

"I mean specific names"

"Me bullet, taymeir plus his horse"

"His what"


"Oh well I would but I can't"


"For one Melody doesn't have a babysitter and two I don't wanna leave out the house"

"We can come over there just send the location"

"Only if you bring some food with you"

"Fat ass what you want"


"Bet imma cal you when we get to the drive through"

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