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Blasian summer key

"I really hate my life nobody to really talk about my problems too I will always be alone in this cold ass world I feel like everybody has someone except me not really any family and the little family that I do have thinks I'm weird nobody really loves me and I always wanted to vent to somebody but nobody listens then again why tell somebody about problems you have because what can they do about that tell you they are sorry too hear and I shouldn't have went through that can't even talk too my own mother. Schools horrible people are cruel they talk about any and everything on you because you're different  I just wish somebody could be here for me ~ blasian summer key" i looked at my eighth grade diary as I cried because I still felt the same I felt the same because I still don't have anyone yeah I mean I have my little friend ground and melody but it's like somethings not right so I picked up my phone and called the person that I think I needed the most



"Yeah granny it's me" I said sniffling

"Baby why are you crying"

"I just needed to talk to you about some things"

"I don't do this phone baby please come over here so we can talk"

"On my way"

"Bye blasian I love you" my granny said and my heart broke

"I love you too granny"

"Sit right here baby" granny said patting a seat next to her

"So what's on your mind dolly"

"I miss you granny I'm stupid for thinking that you let the social services take us but granny I just hope you can forgive me please I want us to be like how we used to be"

"Do you remember what I said when they took y'all"

"Yes ma'am"

"Repeat it for me baby"

"You said grandmas always be here and your going to try your best to get us back then you said you love us"

"I could never stay mad at you I love you too much you have been my baby since you were a newborn"

"Granny I love you so so so so so so much and I'm sorry" I said crying while hugging her

"Baby I love you way much more but please don't stop talking to me that long again cause next time imma have to knock the hell outta you"

"Okay granny" i said laughing

"Now let's go in this kitchen and get you some food girl you look boney"

"Very much thick hun"

"Givin me very much crackhead vibes hun"

"Granny you are a mess"

"So you know that I'm turning 18 in a month I'm adopting melody"

"Good baby y'all can get out that house with that sick bitch"


"Sorry baby sorry God"

"He hasn't been back for about 4 months"

"How have the bills been payed"

"His house is payed for his car is payed for too but the lights,gas and other stuff I've been doing all the nails that I could to not have them cut off"

"I wonder where the bitch gone probably back to his maker"

"Granny you are having a bad day with these words"

"Sorry the devil just all in me today  shambalamamaa shamba doo doo"

"Just a mess"

Another short chapter this is really to take my mind off things

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