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Everybody finna be pregnant👩🏾‍🦲

"Blasian come here" milk said

"What bitch" blasian said

"Watch yo fuckin mouth" milk said

"What do you want" blasian asked

"Can you give me them cookies" milk asked

"Fuck no" blasian said

"Mane you aggravating" milk said mushing her head

"Stop touching me bitch" blasian said slapping the back of his neck

"You wanna throw them hoes" milk asked

"Come on" blasian said putting up her guard

"Weak ass guard" milk said

"Stop allat talking and do sum bitch" blasian said

"Bop bop bop mop sling" milk said slamming blasian and getting on top of her

"Get yo fat ass off me I'm loosing air" blasian said

"Say sorry" milk said

"Sorry bitch" blasian said laughing

"Now I'm not moving" milk said still laying on her

"Damn blasian you just want all the homies" lean said laughing Coming in the living room

"Yeah except yo dirty ass" blasian said as milk got off her

"We not best friends no more" lean said

"I don't give a fuck" blasian said walking to tay room

"Fuck you doing dummy" blasian said plopping down on his bed

"Fuck you want" tay said

"Nothing sweet lips" blasian said laughing

"Get the fuck out" tay said

"Why I thought we were best buds" blasian said

"I'm not in the mood today" tay said

"Why not" blasian said

"Jay not answering my calls" tay said

"Well do a pop up the fuck" blasian said mugging him

"Why you say it like that" tay asked

"Cause if it was me you would have been popped up" blasian said rolling her neck

"You wanna ride wimmie" tay asked

"Yeah no she do way too much for my liking" blasian said standing up

"Fuck up" tay mumbled

"I'm finna go too mia want me to go shopping with her" blasian said

"Tell her ugly ass she bet not have my card either" tay said

"Nope" blasian yelled walking out his room

"Ugly fine ass bitch" tay said grabbing his keys walking in the living room

"Aye jay here" tay asked tonya

"She inna back" tonya pointed

"Aight" tay said walking past her going to her room

"But how am I going to tell him I'm pregnant" he heard jay say while he stood by the door

"Bitch I don't know but you needa hurry up and tell him or he gone try and say it's not his" kiaha said

"He wouldn't do that" jay said

"If you say so boo" kiaha said

"Imma call you back though girl" kiaha said

"Alright bye bitch" jay said hanging up and tay walked in the room

"When was you gone tell me" tay said scaring her

"Damn tay you gotta knock before coming in somebody room" jay said

"Fuck allat shit so you pregnant and you was gone sit yo dumbass up here and not tell me" tay asked

"No tay I just wasn't ready" jay said

"How long you done knew" tay asked

"Only a week" jay mumbled

"Damn you really pregnant wit my seed" tay said

"Yeah shocking right" jay said

"I'm excited as hell" tay said jumping up

"You really are" jay said cheesing

"Hell yeah boy" tay said picking her up

"I love you tay" jay said

"I love you too babymomma" tay said smiling
Awwww them cute🥺

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