21 | You're so Pretty

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It's not always rainbows and butterflies - She Will Be Loved


I watch as Colton's eyes double up in size as he takes the time to savour the chicken Levi had brought over. He's quick to take another bite and then another until all that is left is a somewhat thick bone between his fingers.

"Oh, this is definitely killer chicken." He moans in delight as he reaches for another one in the basket in front of us.

We were in my usual booth today since the diner was barely contained. The man was there though. He seems more invested in his laptop than normal today and had gotten at least three cups of coffee in the past half an hour that Colton and I had got here.

I place my folded elbows on the table in front of me and lean up against them as I stare at Colton on the other side of the booth. "You're definitely not vegan."

He laughs, a casual sort. The comforting sort that sounds like the sound of rain on a warm night.

"Collecting information on me now, are we?" He finishes the chicken in his hand and grabs a napkin to wipe his mouth.

Heat flames behind my cheeks at his teasing suggestion, even though I'd once stayed up late stalking his Instagram like the interested being I was.

He notices my reaction and another laughter ripples out of him. "God, I was joking."

And because my body fails to have proper coordination with my mind and lets me down each time, the heat intensifies and so does his laughter.

"I k-know." My stutter makes a graceless appearance. I feign a cough to disguise it and reach for my bottle of water on the table. "So, how's the preparation for the play going?"

He seems uninterested the moment I bring it up and he hunches over the table to start pushing his fries around with a plastic fork. "It's just going, I guess."

Sensing his tenseness, I attempt to change the topic to anything less awkward. "So...do you have any pets?"

I don't know what causes it but his shoulders begin to wrack and forceful fits of laughter escapes him. He glances up at me and his fork stops moving. His eyes are glazed over but he doesn't stop chuckling. His laugh is contagious. Especially when he's looking at me like that.

"I enjoy being with you Starr." He says, emphasising the two rs at the end of my name.

I look anywhere but at him as crimson floods me.


I'm giddy as I walk home, the streetlights brighter than they've been for a while. Yes, giddy. That's the feeling that envelops me after dinner with Colton. An utterly childish feeling that has me reaching out a fingertip to my inner child.

Approaching my home, my eyes can't help but dart to Miles' on instinct and in that moment, my eyes meet with shadowed ones as he stares back at me from his position on their porch, sitting on the chair that hangs just outside their home.

I halt as I reach the front of my home. Just one more step and I'd cross into his own threshold. I watch with bated breath as he stands and strides over to where I'm standing. With me on my side and him, on his own, we stare at each other, the air around crackling with unexplained electricity. I know I should walk away. I should not give him the pleasure of being acknowledged. I should hold him in no regard. But my feet remain planted there, staring into his hooded blue eyes. My own eyes trail over his painfully perfect face and meet with the make-do band he had pulled his hair into.

I want to reach up and yank that away.

"It's late." He seethes.

He never fails to disappoint when he opens that mouth of his.

I roll my eyes and turn around to leave when his hand latches on to my elbow. It's hard at first but he seems to realise himself before loosening his grip.

"What do you want now, Miles?" I begin to grow irritated, perhaps anxious of what might escape his mouth this time.

"I just want to talk to you," He says and I'm almost gutted by how candid he seems. "I've barely seen you all week."

Not coincidental.

I fully turn to him once more and fold my arms across my chest. "About what?"

He blinks rapidly like he had not been anticipating my question. "Nothing."

I turn once more to leave but his grip on my elbow remains. "Everything." He stumbles out and my brows raise.

Intrigued, I turn back and bait him. "Everything?"

I'm curious. Does his everything encompass everything mine does? Does it include why he ruined us like that? Why we're a broken, awkward mess because of him?

He doesn't let out another word before pulling me into his arms. My hands reach out of their own accord and grip the back of his shirt. He looses a breath and relaxes in my arms, almost like he's been craving this, needing it even.

I should not be letting this happen. I'd been with Colton a couple of minutes ago and he'd been nice and kind and said he enjoyed being with me. He was perfection in itself. Yet, here I was in Miles' arms, taking in his alluring scent and taking solace in the warmth he brought to me. Even the familiarity in his touch as his fingers gently brushed my neck.

My logic never fails me. It lets me know of my dos and don'ts but I fail it. I don't listen and don't even acknowledge it when he's near like this.

My cheek presses against his hard chest and I hear the rapid beating of his heart. Its thudding against my ear is something of a solace to me and my grip on his shirt tightens.

Hold me here, Miles. On this cold, fall night. Just hold me here. And don't break me once more.

I hear the sound of a door opening and then my mom's voice reaches out to me. "It's almost curfew, you know?"

Mortified at what she was seeing, I try to pull myself out of Miles' grasp but he doesn't let go. Simply lets me remain.

"She'll be in soon, Ms King." I hear him call out to my mom.

There is a moment of silence but then I hear the sound of a door closing.

Miles hesitantly releases me after that and glances down at me. His hand reaches out to touch the bun I'd pulled my hair into today and that familiar smile lines his lips.

"This is so pretty," his eyes shift to mine and his brows furrow as if he's in some sort of pain. "You're so pretty."

His hand trails lower and he cups my cheek. I inhale a sharp breath, unsure of what to expect from him. But all he does is drop his head to my shoulder and mutter "I'll see you tomorrow, yes?"

I step out of his grip and my senses slowly grace me with their presence once more. "Debatable."

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