#3 //A Cooking Mess//

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The day was so boring and I actually couldn't wait for my extra lesson. When finally the bell rang I basically ran to Cooking class. When I got there I saw Thomas already sitting and holding a spot for me. When I walked to him I saw Mia rushing by and sliding me to the sides. She quickly sat down next to Thomas. I looked at her with a you've-got-to-be-kidding-me face. Thomas looked really awkward two not knowing what to do. Mia is always out for me every boy or so I like or if that boy likes me she does her magic and wipes with her fame hair, make them fall in love with her. But I wasn't scared Thomas is just my friend I tried to tell my self. I didn't want to look like some jealous girl to Thomas, and I didn't want to look bothered by Mia so I just sat in front off them chuckling about how Thomas reacted. Before I sat I saw Mia smiling bright at him and when in seconds after I turned I saw Thomas standing next to the empty chair. "May I sit, hmm what was it oh yeah y/l/n?" He asked. "You may, Sangster." I said blushing and grinning because he left a populair girl for me, so he can sit with me. Again it was fun like always with Thomas. Mia Made some excuus that we did something wrong e so we needed to stay after to clean up. We didn't even mind because when after everybody left Mia keep watching us by the door frame and we just laughed and jokes around while we cleaned. She didn't like that and the. She just stormed off. "Somebody doesn't got their day." Thomas said laughing at Mia. I took a bit off flower that was on the counter off cooking, "yeah and that name is Thomas Sangster." I said while I threw it in his face while laughing of course. His eyes stayed close "o no you didn't!" He said as his eyes opened. " o no I did!" I joked. He grabbed flowers as well but I saw so Iran to the door hoping I would escape, but unfortunately he got to me and closed the door while I tried to open it.i turned around to see him really close, so close our bodies almost touched. Man he looked so hot then. I closed my eyes waiting for him to throw the flour but after a few seconds I notice that he didn't. When I opened my eyes he was just staring at me and smirking. "What??" I asked him. "It would be a waist if your face was destroyed with floor, wouldn't it?" He said grinning. "Well 1 fault you made." You said holding your laughs back. " and what would that be?" He looked confused. "That I got my hands free!" I almost shouted and then slapped his hands so the flour was all over our hair, face and a little on our cloths. Then I scooted pass him but he grabbed my wrist and putted me against the door with my hands next to my head while he hold them there. "Is this better?" He smirked. I just stoop their with my heavily breathing because I was shocked he'd do that. We just stared in each other eyes again and I just wanted to kiss hi right their and then. I think he read my mind and leaned in, but before our lips touched Mia came bursting through the door with a our cook. We quickly baked away from the door and from each other. " see they have made a mess." She said shouting. "Oh sorry, yeah, me and y/n just wanted to clean but their was something in the floor that made me slip and to stay up I took y/n with me to the floor and then the flower smiled all over us." Thomas said quickly. "Ohh I see, well it's fine but just cleans hat two then." The teacher said and walked away. I swear I saw Mia swelling up like a tomato from madness. Then she stormed off like she also did earlier. "Smooth." I said to Thomas. I will still holding laugh at how he looks with flower. "You know me, always smooth babygirl." He said joking. " you know you look really handsome with flower all over your face." I said while I wiped some off with thumb on his cheek. "Aw you think am handsome?" He asked. "Yeah with your face in the flower." I said laughing. "If u like it then maybe I should wear it everyday." He said while joining me laughing. After we cleaned we went to our lockers. We putted the thing sin that needed and the things out that needed. When I suddenly a note fell from out off my locker I just looked at it and it said: honey if u even come near my future boyfriend ; the new boy, I will ruin. Your. Life. I looked around and saw Mia with an evil grin on her face I think I liked Thomas and I didn't even care what she could do so I whispered to Thomas: "I really like that ic na spend a day with you." In his ear and then gave him a kiss on his cheek.
I saw him a bit blushing and so was I. Then I turned back to Mia, she looked so mad and I liked that. "Try me." I mouthed. "Me to" Thomas whispered and I could feel I blushed harder. I closed my locker and grabbed Thomas hand. Now we we're going to ice skate.

// hope you like it.// let me know what you think.// sweet comments or requests are always welcome!//

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2020 ⏰

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