Hunted 3/4

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Danny Brown, the star athlete of Flouriska, was known to be the faster track runner in the entire state of Camberla.

But little did people know, Danny was no longer running towards success, or victory, like he once used to. He was now running away from something he could not explain.


Guilt might be a simple emotion. Simple as in one usually knows why the feel guilty. But Danny's case was drastically different. Danny felt guilt so strong that he could no longer contain it, so he started running from it.

The guilt he felt was different, for he didn't know why he was feeling guilty. Was it that his school lost last year in interschool football matches because of his injury? Or, was it because of her mother's fatal accident when she was hurrying to come to him years ago? Danny spent nights trying to figure it out, but he never could.

So after wasting almost three months trying to fight the guilt, he choose to flight. He ran, and he never stopped. Escaping is easier than fighting. Danny choose the easier way out, maybe that is why he had no idea what that night was bringing towards him.

A whistle sounded through the football ground. "Boys over here, now!" The coach shouted from the other side of the ground. As directed, Danny and his other teammates jogged their way towards the bleachers, where coach stood.

"Today's training is over but I want you all here by two tomorrow noon to discuss strategies. As you know match starts at four in the afternoon." The coach said, "and don't be late" he added in a strang voice. Then he clapped his hands once and turned to talk with the captain about some captian stuff.

And yes, Danny is not the captain. He gave it up saying, "no legends ever become capitan of their team."

Danny picked up his duffel bag and sped towards his car. His friends, Faz, Cam and Jay decided to go to this party in a teammate's house.


A smile found its way to Danny's face and he turned around.

This boy can make me smile with just his presence.

Jay was jogging towards him, with a goofy smile. Danny bent dow a little to peck the lille boy's lips. Jay wraps his arms around Danny's shoulders and Danny kept his on Jay's waist.

"Why aren't you coming to the party?" Jay pouted.

"I'm not feeling well cupcake." Danny explained. "But I can pick you up after the party if you want." Danny lightly kissed Jay's nose earning a cute giggle from him.

Jay nodded.

Danny pulled him closed by the waist, Jay gasped. "Use your words cushion. I wanna hear your voice." Danny whispered in his ear.

"Y-yeah I-I'd love th-that" Jay was a stuttering mess. Danny loved it. Close proximity was a huge turn of for Jay and he knew it.

"Okay then I'll see you tonight sugar"


Danny woke up startled to something wet on his face. Snapping his eyes open he jolted up on his arms.


He looked around to find that he's in the middle of the football ground. Did he run all the way to the field? Standing up, something jingled in the pocket of Danny's sleeping trousers. Keys. He drove here?

Danny looked around for anyone who could have drove him here, no one. Chills went up his spine, something was very very wrong. Sure Danny has spent many nights waking up at random places, but he has never ever drove in sleep. Can someone even do that?

The moment a thought of going back crossed his mind, a ghost of a ball flew right towards his face. Being too shocked by the recent events, Danny was unable to move, but the ball flew right through him. Confused, startled Danny turned towards the direction the ball went to, only to get frozen in place.

There he was, Danny himself, though slightly blurry, like watching a projected movie on a dirty cloth, swiftly bouncing the ball on one foot couple of times then moving to the goal. Only then did the whole scenery come to life, there were cheerleaders, people watching the game over the bleachers, Danny's other teammates and the other team playing aggressively against each other. Everything was happening in slow motion around him. What confused Danny even more was the date on the scoreboard. This match happened last year but the strange thing was that Danny never played the match. He had gotten into an accident a few days prior to the game. But if this wasn't his memories coming back to him, then what the hell was it?

Soon, the seconds ran out and the match was over, Danny's team won. Danny noticed his ghost to run towards a small group of kids standing by the bleachers, four girls and one boy. They were all laughing and hugging Danny.

When the last girl stepped forward to hug Danny's ghost everything stopped and the girl started right at the present time Danny and turned from translucent to opaque. Slowly everything around them stared fading into nothingness, including the ground. The girl stared to walk towards Danny. Danny was stuck in place no matter how much he tries to move back he could not.

The girl stopped a few meters away from Danny and soon another scenery started coming to life. A cliff, a few feet behind Danny. Danny looked back at the girl only to find her being soaking wet from head to toe. Then her quivering lips opened to form a scream and she ran towards Danny, but before she could reach him her ear piercing scream turned to a sharp ringtone of Danny's phone. 

Bubbles <

Answer                                                                                                                          Decline

Danny immediately picked up the phone still looking at the spot where the cliff was just moments ago.

"Hey-"Danny was shocked to hear soft sobbing on the other end.

"Nibby! I- Falo- nooo- god-" loud music was playing in the background.

"Velvet are you okay? Did someone hurt you? Are you hurt" Danny asked making his way towards the parking lot and temporarily ignoring the wet lady by the cliffs.

"No- Dan- I"- the phone was snatched from Jay. Danny panicked as he opened the driver's side and sat down.

"Sugar?! Are you okay?!?! I'm on my way love just hold on!"

"God you're such a crybaby- yeah Dan? Man no need to worry, Justin being asshole he is just reminded Jay that Tony stark's daughter will grow up without tony while all of us grew up with him in our lives" Hayley Jay's twin sister replies with a super bored and annoyed voice.

"God, is he drunk?" Dan kept Jay much like a kid. Cause Jay was literally like a fucking child.

"yeah." Replied the bored voice of Hayley.

"I'm on my way"

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