Character intro..

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Abhi and Pragya: Living together

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Abhi and Pragya: Living together...Both are orphans...madly in love with each other for nearly eight years.. evergreen couple..

Purab and Disha: lives with abhigya in the same house

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Purab and Disha: lives with abhigya in the same house... crazy couple....did register marriage before a month..

Prachi and Ranbir: Both loves each other

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Prachi and Ranbir: Both loves each other .... newly committed couple...

Arjit and Bulbul: both loves each other madly

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Arjit and Bulbul: both loves each other madly.... funny couple..

Tanu and Nikhil: Both loves each other for benefits

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Tanu and Nikhil: Both loves each other for benefits... selfish couple...


All are studying psychology..All are close friends...These five couples goes to investigate a haunted bangalow for their project ...

Pragya who was the scariest one in their gang felt many bad instincts about this trip...but abhi and others pacified her...

Then they all are standing outside the bangalow...

Purab: this bangalow is really looking very scary..

Abhi: yes purab.. that's why people in surrounding areas are saying this as haunted..

Disha: All are saying ghosts live here..

Arjit: I have one doubt...why all ghosts always lives in big big houses...even in horror movies ghosts live in bangalows..

Tanu: Haan..I wish atleast in next birth I should be a ghost...

Abhi: even now you look like one... just go and stay..

Others chuckled hearing him whereas Tanu frowns...

Then Disha said," pragu did you like this place...we gonna stay here for one week"

But pragya did not respond ,she kept on staring at the bungalow...Abhi shooks her, suddenly pragya came out of her thoughts...

Ab: what happened...are you still scared..there is nothing called ghosts...I think some thieves may hide inside and scare the people coming here..

Ranbir: haan pragya ...we came here to investigate right...we will find who is inside...

Then all opened the gate and went inside...

When abhi was about to touch the main door ,it suddenly opened..

Pragya and arjit screamed... pragya hugged abhi tight and shouted....

Abhi scolded pragya saying

Ab: fuggy...see there...that lady is opening the door from inside...

Pragya opened her eyes without breaking the hug and looked at the lady and then at abhi...

Abhi chuckled at her and kissed her forehead and says

Ab: don't worry fuggy... there is nothing called ghosts..

Prachi: even now, I don't understand why and how you took psychology...

Pragya frowns...

Bul: because abhi wanted to study psychology and pragya who can't live without him even for a second , joined this to be with him always...

Then that lady asks

La: so you all are going to stay here..

Ab: yes.. aunty...

Then all went inside.....then all the couples decided to go to seperate rooms after eating dinner...

Dis: is there signal in anyone's mobile..

All nodded negatively... whereas Disha sighs..

When all were about to leave from the dinning table the lady said

La : don't come out of your rooms till morning 4 ... whatever you hear don't open the door..

Arj: why

La: If you wish to be alive then don't come out..

All startled hearing her..

Ab: from when you are living here..

La: after my marriage..

Saying she left to her room and closed the door..

Pu: why is she not answering properly..

Bul: I think she is trying to scare us...

Pragy: whatever....but anyone should not come out...

Abh: relax one of us will wake before 7..

Then after wishing good night....all left to their respective rooms...

Thank you for reading friends...
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