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Pragya got up from the sleep hearing door closing sound..

She got up startled and finds abhi missing ...

She sees the time ...

Pragya's pov;
    Oh is just 3:50...this abhi is an idiot...what is the need to go out...I should go and bring him before something bad happens...

She took the torch light and got down from the bed..

Then she turned the door knob and opened the door...When she stepped out she felt a shiver in her spine..

She searched for abhi here and there and slowly walked past her friends rooms..

Pragya's pov;
   Why it is too cold outside the is very dark also...where did this abhi went..shall I wake Purab...

Then she glanced the doors of the rooms and thinks," no no...they will be panicked hearing my knock and also abhi will scold me for disturbing them..I will find him myself "

Pragya called out," abhi...."

Then she walked a little and sees a door in the corner opened a little...

Then she walked a little and sees a door in the corner opened a little

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Pr: abhi...are you inside that room...

She heard abhi's voice..," pragya...see this room...this is really nice.."

Pragya got her breathe only after hearing him..she walked towards that room scolding abhi

Pr: what is the need to come out before idiot...I got scared...

Then she went inside the room and finds the room completely dark...with the light from her torch she searched abhi..

Pr: abhi....where are you...what is nice here...abhi don't scare me...


On the other side, abhi came out of the washroom and sees the bed empty...then he sees their room  door is wide opened..

Abhi's pov;
     Where did she go...did she went out searching for me...shit...she will be scared..

Saying he rushed out of the room..

Abhi shouts," fuggy..."

Pragya who is searching for abhi inside the room hears abhi's voice from outside..

On hearing abhi's voice from outside pragya shivered in fear...she got scared and turned to go near the door but suddenly the door closed with a thud.. seeing that pragya screamed loudly,"aaaah"...her breathe got hitched in her throat......she rushed to door and tried to open the door...

she rushed to door and tried to open the door

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