How to save?

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In Arjit and bulbul's room...

They heard a knock on the glass

Ar: I think our friends is knocking the window..

Bu: why would they knock the window

Ar: maybe to confuse pragya...

Bu: then come we can go near that window...

Again they heard continuous knock sound...

When they went closer to the sound, they found that it is not a window but a mirror...

Both shivered in fear..

Suddenly in the mirror they saw abhi standing near them , so bulbul says

Bu: thank god abhi .. atleast you came..

Saying she turned but didn't found abhi near them...

Arjit turned to see the mirror again and sees abhi but just in the mirror...

Suddenly abhi jumps on arjit but purab hits abhi with a rod...

Purab ,arjit and bulbul ran out of that room after locking abhi in that room....

The three was running in stairs but abhi stood Infront of them...

Ab: where is pragya?

Pu: abhi...listen to are possessed...

Bulbul and arjit 's eyes widened hearing him....

Ab: really?

Pu: abhi don't let that spirit win...

Suddenly purab flies in the air..

Ab: where is pragya

Pu: abhi

Suddenly abhi's face changed like a half burnt zombie...he screams loudly....

Purab flies and gets hit on a glass painting and falls down...

Abhi suddenly turns towards arjit and bulbul, they flew back and they both are dragged inside a cupboard and the door closed...

Abhi changed to normal face and started to search for pragya...

Pragya was hiding under one table with that book...

She is praying to God to somehow save abhi....

Abhi sees a pair of legs under the table and says

Abhi says in a husky voice..

Ab: come out pragya....I know you are here..

Pragya gulps in fear hearing him...

Suddenly abhi's hands grabbed that feets and dragged her out...

Disha screams in fear...

Di: please leave me abhi..

Pragya sees abhi holding Disha and comes out from under the table...

Abhi who sensed pragya ,pushed Disha down and turned towards pragya....

Pragya started breathing heavily...her eyes started to shed tears...

Pragya closes her eyes to control the tears...when she opened her eyes ,she looks confused as she didn't find abhi anywhere...

A soft breath tickled the hairs on her neck with a soft whisper ," found you"..

Pragya's nose started to bleed...she wiped the blood and slowly turned to face abhi...

She sees abhi's face slowly changing...she cries ....

Abhi's face now fully turned into that half burnt zombie face... pragya closed her eyes and screams," ahhh"...

Suddenly everything was like the time is freezed...

Pragya looked confused...she turned around but couldn't find abhi anywhere...

She turned to see the place empty where Disha was there a few minutes before...

Pragya couldn't understand what's happening...she slowly walked out of that room to search others....

At that time, at downstairs she sees one small girl running inside one room...

Pragya runs down the stairs and goes inside the same room in which the little girl entered..


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