Chapter 12: Of Play Things and Leverage

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"Tell me, what else." Kurapika urged the small Hunter.

"Um, I'm not sure. It sounded like the wheels were very far apart when they went over a speed bump. So it was likely a luxury car or a limousine."

"Which way did they go?"

"West on Main, then I heard them turn left. If I'm not mistaken they took Mulholland, headed South."

"I see. Meet me in the conference room by the lobby in ten minutes. If there's someone in there threaten them to get out."

"Well I-"

"And bring the most detailed map of the city you can find." Kurapika hung up the phone, not hesitating for an instant before ripping his gun out of the hidden compartment of his suitcase. "They'll pay for this..." He growled behind clenched teeth. Down the flights of stairs he flew, literally jumping over a couple walking in his path as he went. He was even slightly short of breath by the time he reached the conference room; it must've been the stress, as he knew that act alone was not particularly physically demanding compared to many of his past feats. He blinked in surprise when he saw Melody already present, spreading a folded piece of paper onto the large cherry wood table. "That was faster than I expected." Kurapika knew he had only hung up maybe two minutes ago, three tops.

"They had a map at the front desk." Melody replied. "What do you need it for?"

"To track them down." He stormed up to the table and planted his hands on the map, hastily flipping it in his direction. "They won't get away with this. I won't let them hu-" He paused when he felt a reassuring hand on his forearm.

"Don't fret so much Kurapika. We'll have her back safe in no time. You'll see." She tried to offer a reassuring smile but it was not reciprocated.

"It's my fault for putting her in danger. She wouldn't have been in such a compromising position if I hadn't..." He forcefully huffed a sigh and shook his head to clear his thoughts. "Nevermind... We need to stay focused. The sooner we can establish a plan the better." A rattling of metal and Melody noticed fetters materialize, the little ball and chain she recognized from their encounter at the Nostrade estate. "With this we'll be able to see where they've taken her." He let it dangle over the map where it swung like a pendulum once or twice before falling motionless. A few seconds passed. Stillness. The young man moved his hand to a different spot on the map. No movement. His brows knit together and Melody heard the unrest swell in his chest.

"Kurapika, what's wrong?"

"What the hell?! Why isn't it working?!"


Your eyelids felt heavy as your vision adjusted to the new surroundings. It almost felt like you were emerging from general anesthesia. Heavy. Slow. Deep underwater. You appeared to be in the backseat of a car, a limo to be exact, surrounded by a few quietly chatting voices. Though it was hard to tell because of how tinted the windows were, you deduced twilight had passed based on the hue of streetlights casting shadows into the cab at regular intervals, like clockwork. It was then your gaze travelled downward, panic spiking instantly when you noticed a strange device sticking out of the side of your leg. Instinctively your hand moved in the direction of it. Whatever it was, you knew you needed to get it out of you. Your fingers daintily wrapped around the object and-

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." That same familiar voice from earlier rang in a casual yet threatening tone, and your wide eyes abruptly locked onto his. Seated right next to you, aura activated, was one of the last faces you wanted to see in this oversized city: the bodyguard of Vito Castellano.


"So you're finally awake, huh?" He shrugged his arm onto the back of the seat, turning his body to face you. "About time..." He shot a mildly irked glare at the man sitting across from him, a person you'd never seen before.

Kurapika/Reader: Twelve StepsWhere stories live. Discover now