Chapter 13: Consequence

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"Turn here." The sequential flickering street lights illuminated Kurapika's face, casting shadows beneath his already glowing scarlet eyes. "Be ready." Melody turned out the lights of the car and pulled over to the curb. The pavement made a gentle splash, wet from this evening's showers and reflecting city lights. Reds, greens, golds, all simmering into the blackness. The smaller Hunter closed her eyes and listened, and Kurapika patiently awaited her response.

"I don't hear anything, Kurapika... Are you sure this is where the tracker led you?"

"Yes. They used her phone to contact me. So I assume they plan to do it again tomorrow before the exchange." They both emerged from the vehicle cautiously and gauged their surroundings. It really was just an alley, a quiet road on the very outskirts of the city. Even with his En stretched Kurapika couldn't sense you, nor the other familiar Nen user. "It says she should be within fifteen meters of here..." As he walked side by side with Melody, approaching the little green dot on his phone, something caught his eye. Her gaze followed his to the edge of the street corner when she heard his blood stir, and Kurapika reached down, just beyond the gutter, and pulled a cellular device from the shallow film of water. "Bastards..."

"I'm sorry, Kurapika." She uttered softly, realizing their rescue had come to a screeching halt.

"It's alright. I do have one more contingency. ...But considering the terms F/N and I left on I fear the result might be the same."

"Is that so..." She glanced down at her feet. "If that's the case, then playing along with the exchange might be the smarter option."

"I agree. Assuming we did find her the other way we run the risk of an ambush. If they had the forethought to dispose of the phone tracker then they could very well be expecting us."

"Not only that but F/N probably won't be in fighting condition." Melody pondered aloud. "Whatever they used to kidnap her with they are probably using to subdue her. Worst case scenario she might not be able to aid us at all in her escape."

"I've considered that as well."

"But if we can get them to bring her out in the open we have a much better chance of succeeding. They can only bring so many guards out in broad daylight without attracting too much attention."

"Agreed." He turned on his heel and hastened his pace to the car. "Let's get back and start planning."


"Headquarters I assume?" You asked sarcastically as they escorted you into the large abandoned building. It didn't seem to be a brewery like the place where Vito met his end. This was more like an apartment complex that never got funding beyond the cement phase. There were multiple entryways budding off a long corridor, empty and drab and echoing.

"But of course." He jested in return. "Only the finest lodgings for our guest." You were led to a room on the third floor that had a significant crack in the foundation. A tiny cot rested at the apex of the inside corner, chained to the wall the same way the wrist fetters were.

"Classy." You deadpanned, catching the smell of rain through the broken window. Earth and dampness and soil and faint fractals of city exhaust.

"Those are for our less... distinguished guests, so don't worry."

"I see. So..." After the lengthy car ride of deliberation you had at last worked up the courage to voice your burning question. "What would happen if I pulled this out?"

"Well, it's designed to collapse the polarity of nerve strands, and draw them in when activated." His explanation was so light and casual it was almost comforting in some odd way. His playful enthusiasm to describe his power reminded you of Leorio, and for an instant you wondered how he was doing, if you'd get out of here and see him again. "So imagine your entire spinal cord being sucked out through your leg. Fun, right?"

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