Chapter Two: Sorting Hat

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Out of a sudden, a voice echoed through the train though Sera couldn't see any speakers around the ceiling and that's when her conversation with Jake and Jungwon comes to it's end

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Out of a sudden, a voice echoed through the train though Sera couldn't see any speakers around the ceiling and that's when her conversation with Jake and Jungwon comes to it's end.

"We will be reaching Hogwarts in five minutes’ time. Please leave your luggage on the train, it will be taken to the school separately"

Her stomach lurched with nerves as she stood up while Jake and Jungwon were all smiles, following her out of the compartment and joining the crowd of other students in all ages, huddling agaisnt each other in the corridor. The Hogwarts Express then stopped, she can feel it under her feet, the red carpeting as it slowed down on the rails.

"This is really a mess than the Platform 9 3/4!", she heard Jungwon shouted over the noises when people all around with some of the older students already wearing their robes in their houses color began to push at each other around on the back and even in the startled faces.

Sera being smaller than the other students meets several hands pushing roughly on her face and thankfully, Jake had grabbed her away from the mess.

"Come here, mate", he and Jungwon placed themselves between her against the still-moving crowd.

Looking up at them in thankful expression, she hold onto the end of their robes, keeping herself upright until the three of them were finally able to step out onto a tiny, dark platform. She was shocked to say the least to see a gigantic man with a shaggy hair and a wild-tangled beard, holding a lamp and bobbing over the head of the students as he headed in their way.

His voice is as big as him. "irs’ years! Firs’ years over here! C’mon, follow me — any more firs’ years? Mind yer step, now! Firs’ years follow me!"

She was glad to see she's not the only one to react on his appearance. Jungwon is amazed if anything along Jake. "I'd love to get on with that big ol' guy", Jungwon said.

"Do you think he will let us touch his big hands?", said Jake who then turned to look at her. "He is a half-giant anyway, if you don't know"

"So if he is half-giant, there is a giant bigger than him?", Sera couldn't help but asked in disbelief. "What more should I know?"

"There were vampires and werewolves as well", said Jungwon, thinking for a moment then continued. "Giant octopus in the Great Lake, centaurs and gryphons in the Forbidden forest"

Her yes went round at the new creatures that really existed in this world. "I've only read about those creatures in a fantasy books and I didn't know they were actually real"

Jake smiled. "Not only that, the centaurs were kind of intelligent. They could read the future just looking at the stars in the sky"

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