Spider-Man 3

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Of course I start with spider-man 3, don't worry, it's mainly because I'm working on a spider-man 3 rewrite and thought I should do this so I know the stuff about it in the canon of Spider-Man 3, always good to know about what your basing stuff on, right? Anyway, let's get to it.

Story/Backstory: The symbiote in spider-man 3 crash lands nearby peter inside of a meteor, it leaves the rock and senses peter's power and decides that he would make an excellent host, so it follows him via latching onto his motorbike, (though in the game and novel it's his shoe that it latches onto to be brought with peter), it then waits in his appartment till one night peter is filled with rage, and seeks vengeance, he waits in his spider-man outfit to hear anything that could lead him to sandman, after nothing, he goes to sleep, not bothering to take off the suit.
This is when the symbiote makes its move, it goes over to him, and latches onto him through his costume, spreading over it and assimulating it, when it's fully coated the suit and all thats left is peters unmasked face, it crawls up his neck and fully covers his head, Peter waking up as it does, until it comepletly clouds his vision in black.
When peter can see again, he's hanging upside down in a black version of his spider-man outfit.
He later removes himself from the symbiote and it bonds with Eddie brock, creating venom.

Looks/Movements:  So, this one is simple, in spider-man 3, the symbiote looks like a shiny black ooze, it moves along with tendrils, almost looking like a sentient pile of black webs, using its apendages to pull it along,

Actions/Behaviour: While we don't hear the symbiote itself speak or think, we do know pretty well what it does and how it behaves, it bonds with people and increases all physical ability's they have, making them stronger and faster, and in general better at doing things, however, it also enhances the darker parts of people's personality's, seemingly feeding off of its hosts anger, it is weak against sound and fire.

Bonding/Symbiosis: The symbiote bonds with people by latching onto them and comepletly coating them in itself, usually forming into a suit, it either waits to fully bond, just sleeping into its host more and more the more they wear it, or just being okay as a suit that their host wears and takes off, but if it can sense that the host is having doubts about it, and wants to get it off, it latches onto the hosts fleshy trying to stay attached to its  host.
Or it essentially fully bonds instantly during the first bond, by not only latching onto and coating the outside of the host, but by also sleeping inside the host, by pulling open the hosts mouth and going inside, and also sleeping into their pores and eyes, strengthening the bond alot and making it harder  to remove from the host..

TLDR: This version of the venom symbiote is semi evil, seemingly acting more like a parasite, while it is making its host stronger, its also corrupting it's host the longer its bonded with them, making them depend on it more. If it senses the host wants to permanently detach from it, it sticks to them in an attempt to stop them from separating from it, it can either be patient in its bonding process, or more frantic/quick in bonding.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2020 ⏰

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