Chapter 23

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Georgia and Tiffany sat in a room, glaring at the white dress in front of them. (Dress above is how I picture it)

"I can't believe this." Tiffany scoffed, shaking her hands. "Georgia, I promise you. I'm going to stop this." 

"How Tiff?" Georgia asked, her voice quiet. "Unless the gang gets here fast, I don't know if we can stop this."

"Don't say that." Tiffany said, voice hard. "We're going to escape." 

"It's time." Adrian smirked, walking into the room. "Put the dress on or else I'll force it on." 

"Then leave so I can get it on old man." Georgia snapped, standing up off the bed. 

The old man rolled his eyes and left the room. 

"G, you seriously can't-" 

Georgia put a finger to her lips, as she slowly got undressed, causing Tiffany to turn around.

"The gangs here." She whispered. 

"How do you know?"

"Listen." Georgia answered, pulling the dress on. 

The sound of people rushing outside the room filled their ears. 

"Get ready. They're here." 

"Then why are you putting the dress on?" Tiffany asked, crossing her arms. 

"Because I want to see Chad's face when it gets ruined." Georgia laughed. "You can turn around now."

Tiffany's mouth opened and closed as she tried to find something to say. "Y-you know, for being assholes, they sure know how to pick out a pretty dress. But it's creepy how they know your size."

Georgia nodded her head in agreement before going over to a makeup dresser that was in the room. She brushed her hair out before putting it into braided pigtails. 

"Tiffany." She spoke, staring at her best friend through the mirror. "Are you ready to fight?" 

Tiffany nodded. 


~~ A little earlier with the gang~~

It was tense. Everyone was tense. 

Nobody said a word as they all suited up, getting ready to attack Lotor's gang. 

Chris flung off his cast, and stretched his arm out. Still painful,  but it wasn't going to bother him to much. 

Ear piece's were in everyone's ears, so that they all could communicate with each other. 

Sophia shoved blades in here pockets, even her boots, so that she could grab them and throw them at the enemy, two pistols were tucked into the waistband of her pants. A Bluetooth in her one ear, listening to songs that would get her blood kicking. Her hand rested on Kosmo's head as he wore a vest that he had managed to squeeze into.

On the other side of the room, Lance handed Dante a sniper.

"You'll be on the car with me." Lance instructed, pulling the bandage on his arm tighter, the bandage covered his wound that he had gotten the previous night. "Don't hesitate to shoot anyone, got that?" 

"Yes sir." Dante smirked, taking the weapon. In his back pocket, rested a pistol, just in case he and Lance had to leave the roof and join the others on the ground. 

Lance's eyes trailed around the room, searching for Keith. A frown appeared on his face when he didn't spot him. 

"Looking for Keith?" 

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