13, ew pineapple

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sooo i woke up to like a million notifications and and #1 in some of my tags including 'dreamwastaken' LMAO 

i have no idea how this happened but thanks for reading and voting guys because i guess...we did it? poggers?

13, 𝐞𝐰 𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐥𝐞

I wake up early the next day, which is highly unusual.

My heart keeps thumping just thinking about last night and how we kissed. Because we actually kissed. More than one time. My entire body felt hot all night and I had to lie down without a blanket over me to keep from sweating my ass off. And I hate sleeping without a blanket because my feet are open to creepy crawlies and I love being buried in sheets.

But the only thing I've been buried in is nerves.

Today, we're both going on the train to Brighton to see everyone else. Well, Olive's coming too.

Olive. Do I tell her about last night?

She might take it as keeping secrets from her if I don't...

I go have a shower and get changed into something presentable. My eyeliner takes me a bit longer to do because I keep fucking up; my hands keep shaking. I finish packing the rest of my things for the trip into a little backpack and walk out of my room.

Clay is still sleeping on the sofa. A mop of dirty blonde hair is all that can be seen under the thick blankets.

"Clay," I whisper next to him, urging him to wake up. We're leaving in an hour and he'll probably need enough time to get changed.

He doesn't respond.

"Clay," I repeat, louder this time. I poke his arm.

He mumbles something to himself like "I Hiss Latches" and rolls over onto his other side so he's facing away from me.

I sigh. I guess I have no choice. Winky face.

I walk over to my bedroom, grab a pillow and come back to the sofa. I pull my arm back, about to fire the pillow smack on his big-brained head. 

I squeal. A hand catches my wrist before I can, pulling me down onto him. 

Clay starts to laugh under the covers, peeking his head out and sitting upright. His tired eyes meet mine and his expression goes blank, apart from the smirk creeping onto his face. He looks down at my legs, which are on either side of him. The position that we're in makes my face go hot again.

"We're leaving in an hour," I inform him, looking away and attempting to get up.

He strengthens his hold on my waist, stopping me from moving. "Not yet," he mutters in his hoarse morning voice, leaning into me. 

"What do you want?" I ask, caught in a daze.

"I couldn't sleep last night."

I suck in a breath. "Why's that?"

His lips graze my neck, sending chills down my spine. "I think you know."

"Hiya! It's a bright day outside! Bright enough for Brighto—oh."

I jump off of Clay, my knee banging into my coffee table in the process. I hop away on one leg, cradling the other with my arm, and rush to Olive. She stands in the doorway, her mouth practically falling to the floor at the sight before her. I glance over my shoulder to see that Clay has already left, most likely to get changed.

daydreaming, dreamwastaken x ocWhere stories live. Discover now