21, whitney houston

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21, 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐲 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐧

I stand outside of a Houston airport and look around.

George and Clay aren't here. Or at least I can't see them.

I narrow my eyes at all the cars passing by.

"You shitheads better not make me do another manhunt," I whisper to myself, walking forward with my suitcase dragging along behind me. I've just been through hours and hours worth of planes, buses and cars. I don't need another manhunt to push me over the edge.

"Hey, pretty girl."

I jump again, flailing my bag around as I turn to see who it is. The figure dodges my bag, laughing to the point of wheezing.

"Clay," I hiss, glaring at the tall green-eyed guy. "You're an idiot. You scared me half to death."

"Aw," he hums, leaning forward and taking my suitcase from my hand. He lets me fall into his chest and pats my head like a dog. "I'm sorry, little Azzy."

George reveals himself from behind him, amusement flickering in his expression. "If it makes you feel any better, he did the same thing to me."

"What? He called you a pretty girl?"

Clay nods. "Of course."

George rolls his eyes.

I raise my eyebrows, smirking mischievously at the two guys. "DreamNotFound? Clay404? Geor-lay? Jelly?"

"Oh my god. Don't even start."

I do a 'hehe'. "Aw, don't blush, Gogy. I didn't know you were that happy to see me."

He blushes harder. "Trust me, I'm not. You're terrible. Honestly, the worst."

"Love you."


I scrunch up my nose at him. "Say it back."


Clay smiles teasingly. "Come on, Gogy."

"Now you're calling me that?"

"Such a little tsundere. So cute."

It takes us a while to get to the address Skeppy sent, but we manage to get there in the car that we've rented. Clay and George let me take the back seat so I can sleep off some of the jet lag. Meanwhile, the two of them argue like a married couple.

"Clay, why is your seat so far back when you're driving?"

"I'm a tall guy. I need more leg room."

"That's so stupid."

"It's not stupid. You're the size of a fetus so you wouldn't get it."

"WeamNotHound," I murmur with my eyes closed, as though I'm having a dream about the two of them. I laugh on the inside.

"Did she just--?"

"Oh my god."

"That's disgusting."

"Disgusting? George, why are you so against?"

"What do you mean, why am I so against it? You're the one that likes someone."

"I know that. But you don't have to be so homophobic."

"I'm not! I just think it's weird when people refer to us as gay."

"Says the guy who talked about all the benefits of us getting married the other day."

They start arguing even more and I have to refrain from crying-laughing. I can't help but smile at them, peeking at the rearview mirror to watch them argue. Clay looks at me in the mirror. Surprise crosses his features for a second but then he gives me a small smile. That's enough to give me butterflies.

daydreaming, dreamwastaken x ocWhere stories live. Discover now