Meet the rich jackass player, christopher wright....

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Standing outside school isnt as scary for me as it might br for you if oyou were a new kid. Or any other new kid as a matter of fact. Im not scared at all. So there.

I walked into the bright yellow building. A big sign indicated it as the "secretaries&counselsours office" wow... Show some true imtelligence there.. Considering this is the freaking fifth sign in saw within three meters!!!

I push through the large blue doors lto find myslef in a dark room warpped with old looking wall paper with floor designs.. A bit like the one my grandma usedto have in her living room. A dark wood table stood in the middle of the room, along woth gray leather couches to form a circle around it. I felt all eyes on me... Domt get wrong im not the shy tyoe of girl, i guess you must havenoticed by now. However this is the kind of attention right now was unwanted. I was exhausted i had spent the entire night picking a perfect outfit and then spent therest of the time making phone calls "home" to friends.. Stephanie was over happy to hear from me.. So was the rest of my a++ gang back home. But right now i just wasnt seeking for attention.. Now to lazy toput on a show. If i wished for attention i would easily and quite simply get so. Just not now.

The lady sitting at a gray desk, the recdeptionist i presume wore a black shirt amd round harry  

Potter glasses stared at me like i was an alien from outer space.. Whats up with that?

'hi im here for my new shedule?'

'Ahh. Yes you must be alice correct?' no shit sherlock.. -.-

'yes.. Thats me'

She pressed her Iips together in a thin line. What didnt she apprive of me or something? Well idgaf

Without another word she handed me my schedule and i stormed out of her office towardsngo knows where. When i looked down at my schedule i saw:

1. English

2. Science

3. French



UGH dork much?who would pick a scheedule with all that in one day.. But i guess ive seen MUCH worse..


English class

I think when i convinced myself id find my way i was terribly wrong... This school os horrificly big. Even for me.. The girl thats been a new kid almost everywhere..

Ofcousrse,i was late.. The teacher hd been giving a long stern looking lecture. Atleast thats what it looked like from through the window.. Well he did before i burst in. All eyes curiously glanced up at me ' you must be alice dear?'

'Indeed mr..?' i paused not knowing what to say..

'windwood dear its windwood now would you like to introduce yourself to our class?' he signaled me forward shooing me to the fron of the class.

'hi my names alice. Im new and-'

A redhead with freckles at the back of the class snickered. 

' you have the same name as the girl from twilight!'

'and you look like Ron wealeys now shut up already... '

"now now.. Children no arguments please take a seat in a free place alice..'

What was this teacher?!? Blind?!??? The only seat available was at the back of the class so thats mine i guess.. I sat down dropping my bag gently to the floor as sir handed me a big thick book. Oh joy!

Suddenly the door slams open echoeing in the large room, the class turns silent... Well helleoooll thereeee who are you?

There stood a goregous guy blonde hair blue eyes.. You name it!

I wonder where he would wit now.. There are no seats free after all, unless.... Oh fuck. Hes headed my way amd he looks like he isnt a good boy type.. Oh fuck help!

'so your the new bitch? Huh?'

'excuse me?!?!'

Respect much bro? I never said i was THAT much of a good girl either.

'you heard me slut .. Get out of my seat... Kaay? Its mine, and mine only.. '

'Im sorry but um.. Do you own the school?'

Ha! That'll shut him up! Or so i thought....

Before i knew it i was thrown out of my desk... Oh scratch that the desk and i both literally toppled to the floor. Some the guy now ended up safe and sound on the desk..

'if you wish you may seat yourself the honor of sitting at my desk dear?' mr.wormwood offered.

Well way to make me embarees myself infront of everyone...

Sitting at the teachers desk is kind of fun.. Well if you dont have ice blue eyes staring through you you see.. This guy ya.. I dont think he likes me alot.. Heck.. He doensnt like me AT ALL!!

I couldmt wait for the bell to ring..

And when it did i jumped up off the chair and RAN for the exit

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