Introductions! + Character Info!

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          Hello! As you haven't read from the title of this book, 

   This is a Just Shapes and Beats story. If you have not seen some   
gameplay or are not familiar with the characters, I advise you to
watch some gameplay footage first before proceeding.

         With that said, Greetings! This is the Author speaking! 
   This is my first attempt in making a story here in wattpad, so 
   there might be a few mistakes here and there, I'm still getting
   myself used to!

        Here are the Character's Info:

Cube  (He/Him): a lonesome shape that lives in the quiet parts
                  in the city of paradise. Shy and Secretive, but can act
                  somewhat clumsy. He's very close to the Heroes of
                  Paradise ever since they saved him during the
                 'incident'. He has the tendency to act cat-like at some
                  times, no one knows why, perhaps his secret?

Blixer (He/Him): shapes may know him as Fresh, especially
                   when he hosts raves and parties. Reckless, Strong
                   and solitary, but can be a party animal with other 
                   beats he's friends with. He has a secret soft side in
                   which no one knows of, tends to hide his true
                   emotions from anyone else.

Square (He/Him): The leader of all Heroes and known as the
                     King of Paradise (Though, he doesn't like to be
                     called that..), He resides next to Cube's home but
                     he's always on duty to keep Paradise safe, He and
                     his other 3 siblings. Always checks on his close
                    friend on a daily basis due to his protective nature.

Tri (She/Her): The fastest hero out of the bunch, has to look
             after all of her brothers and makes sure that they're
             all okay. Caring, Motherly but can sometimes be a bit
             sassy from time to time, dislikes having too much
            chaos especially when her siblings are included..

Penta (He/Him): Tough and Noblehearted Hero, can come off
                  as slow at times and can get dragged into one of 
                  his brother's shenanigans. Usually the Hero tasked
                  with guarding the Treeangle due to his resilience   
                  and keeps most of the beats residing in paradise in

Sphere (He/Him): The mischievous hero, the one who usually
                     starts the ruckus. Despite his mischievous behavior
                     He gets along well with his siblings, he keeps the
                     shapes around paradise in check, so he knows
                     almost everyone, he gets a bit paranoid from time
                     to time.. especially around Cube..

Barracuda (He/Him, They/Them): Fresh's best buddy, they
                     practically live in the same apartment ever since
                     the 'incident' was over. He helped Blixer turned 
                over a new leaf. He stays home most of the time, to 
             watch over their home and make sure Blixer's DJ
equipment is in top shape.

Lycanthropy (He/Him): Lives in the same apartment as
                      Fresh and Barracuda, he sometimes goes with
                      Blixer and works as his assistant. He has canine
                      like qualities, no one knows exactly why and how
                      he got them either. He's playful, curious and tends
                      to act tough at times, very suspicious of Cube too..

Heli (She/Her): Usually seen patrolling the skies of Paradise
                    and regularly helps the Heroes with their duties.
                    When she's not patrolling, she's usually attending
                    to her garden or roaming around on foot. Good
                    friends with Cube and Captain, always eager to
                    help those in need.

Captain (He/Him): Sailing across Paradise's waters, at times
                     He can be seen telling tales to younger shapes, a
                     lionhearted and humble shape, has a bit of a
                     temper with bullies and such. Close friends with 
                     Heli, Cube and the Heroes.

        Note: if you do not like the ship or character's gender, info, 
                    etc. Please Do Not Comment anything hurtful/hateful
                    We all have our opinions, please respect them.
  I hope you'll enjoy!

A Secret Worth Knowing (JSaB Cube X Blixer)Where stories live. Discover now