□Needed some Company□

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11:45 P.M, it was late at night. Cube was walking around the streets of Paradise, He couldn't sleep since he had a bad dream. He tried drinking warm milk in hopes to fall asleep faster, but it didn't work, reading a book also didn't help much.. He wanted to get his mind off what he dreamed about, the sooner the better since it was almost morning..

Gosh.. why does it keep flashing back in my head.. 
He thought, holding his head as he tried forgetting the image and closed his eyes, continuing to walk down the stone path before he bumped into an object. He looked down to see that he strayed far from the path he was walking on and hit a wooden bench. Sighed, he looked around to made sure no one was looking at him while it happened. 

Phew.. at least no one can see being this clumsy..
As he dusted the seat and sat down, he looked up at the moon having a small smile on his face and starting to zone out, thinking about how his friends are doing. The Heroes, Heli, and Captain or Boat as some might call him, surely they're all doing just fine.. After all, I don't think they can get 'corrupted' either way, which is relieving nonetheless.

Sigh, they're probably doing better than me at this hour..

He snapped out of his thoughts right when he heard footsteps, they seemed to be getting closer to where he was.. and they were loud. He opened his eyes and looked to his right, he saw a large beat going his way, they seemed intimidating and were carrying some sort of equipment.
Panic surged immediately in Cube's head, he looked around the area for a place to hide but there were nothing, not even nearby bushes. He looked at the beat, the figure getting closer and larger, then his instincts kicked it, it wasn't flight or fight, it was Freeze.

Blixer's POV

Ah, nothing like a good ol' party to host, wild but hey, they liked it.

As I walked down the path, I couldn't help but feel like someone else was also here in the area, since beats have the ability to sense a shape nearby.. Don't ask me how, I'm no biologist. It was nerve-wrecking but I had to keep myself cool despite the anxiety slowly kicking in.
I mean, who in Paradise could be awake right now other than my peeps back in the DJ studio and party animals??

 maybe it's just some shape that got lost on the way back? and besides,
who in their right minds would mess with someone as big as me??

Each step I took got me closer until I can see them in my line of sight, It was just one shape.. I planned on passing by them but as I saw them ducking their head, kinda started to feel bad for leaving them behind. I walked up to them and crouched at their level, keeping a respectful distance so they wouldn't get startled. 

"Hey uh, you okay there??"

I asked them, they faced up, or should I say, as he faced towards me slowly in a seemingly calm manner which is good. He seemed confused but scared, maybe it's their first time see me in Paradise? though, he looks familiar.. I carefully placed my Mixer down so I can crouch easier and looked at them in the eye, trying not to look as menacing.. Right when I was about to ask them some questions, they looked away from me. I guess I still got that scary look on my face.

"Uh, If you don't mind me asking, why are you here, alone??

Sigh, I doubt they'll answer, they seemed too-

"I couldn't sleep.."

Phew..Glad they replied, that would've been awkward..
unexpected for someone looking so scared.

I looked at a space on the bench next to them before facing back, wondering if I can sit next to them, for all I know they'd freak out if I did.. hopefully I don't have to crouch long.

"So, what's your name, Shape?"

Man, if only I continued walking by instead of stopping by to deal with him, wish Cuda didn't teach me how to by sympathetic for Paradise's sake. This one is gonna be on his head when I get home..

"Cube.. My name is Cube.."

"Cube huh? well, sorry if you were doing something around here
but you should probably head back home.. Its already morning.

Cube's POV

He seems nice.. or maybe he's trying to be..? His face seems oddly familiar.. like I've seen him somewhere before.. Maybe just me?  I slowly took out my phone which was in my pocket and checked the time, No kidding!

12:21 P.M, He's right.. I should be going home..

"Uh yeah.. I should..
I said, a bit hoarse since my throat is a bit dry, and stood up still feeling a bit scared walking the way back home.. I'd use the flashlight on my phone but it's already down at 10% 
I knew I should've charged it a few hours back. I let out a sigh, holding the scarf that's dangling down from my neck but turns out fear is still engulfing my head, making me flinch at times.

Just great.. come on, I should be going now, not freezing..

"Hey, you want me to accompany you on the way back?
seems like we're both going in the same direction anyways.

I looked at the Beat who was already standing and holding his equipment,  He was really tall.. I literally have to look up to see his face. I'm glad he isn't that.. mean? like other beats..
I nodded in response but kept my head down and followed as he started to walk. I felt relieved knowing there's someone I can walk with for this night..

"Thanks for this.. um.."

"Blixer, Call me Blixer."

I went silent a bit, feeling a bit of awkwardness within the atmosphere of this conversation..
I held my scarf tighter as I replied, a bit shaky.

"T-thanks Blixer.."

"No prob, Cube."

I wonder what this day awaits me.. Hopefully nothing bad..

A Secret Worth Knowing (JSaB Cube X Blixer)Where stories live. Discover now