Small Talks

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As the two shapes continued to walk down the path, they can't help but feel tense and awkward around each other, keeping a distance between each other. It was a long was back to Cube's house, and Blixer's home was even further away since he lives at the very edge of Paradise.
a minute or two has passed.. Then after a while the Beat decided to break the silence and the awkward tension since he dislikes awkward moments.. And for once he doesn't mind having a chat with the shape.

"So.. Can't sleep, huh?"

He asked, making the Shape flinch a bit before slowly looking up at him, and replying with a nod, sighing afterwards. The beat looked down at him, examining his expression and curious what he dreamed about but didn't bother asking about that. The Square-head's face was in a frown, and seems like He's still having trouble forgetting the images in his head. 

"Hm.. Have you tried listening to some music?"

"Music..? does that help..?"

Cube turned to him again, locking eye contact with him, his expression changed from a worried look to a curious one, he started wondering if it works. Blixer let out a small scoff before looking straight at the dark pathway.

"Yeah, not loud and aggressive music.. More like soothing and calm music..
Like Lofi or something.

"Lofi huh..? W-well.."

Before Cube can continue his sentence, he looked at Blixer who's grabbing his MP3 player with earphones connected to it and starts to pick some songs for him to listen to. The shape continued to watch as both of them slowly stopped while Blixer continues to pick a few songs for him, still wondering what he's doing..

Blixer's POV

Heck, normally I dont do this to strangers but in this case, Ill make an exception. I've had sleepless nights before and it sucks, especially when it lasts for days, insomnia is a pain. I took out my MP3 player and set up songs for him to play when he sleeps, I'll just ask him to return it to me after he's got some sleep.. eventually I stopped walking, I was focused on setting a list of Lofi music. Glad we also stopped walking when I did, its hard to focus while walking yknow?

I gave him my MP3 plus my extra earphones to him, he was a bit hesitant and confused to take it which is pretty understandable though, am I really that intimidating..? He looked at me, looking unsure of what to do, seems like he isn't that familiar with technology yet, huh.. 

"W-What's this for..?"

"It's for your sleeplessness, I made a list of Lofi for you to listen to.
Yknow, to help you forget whatever you saw in your sleep.

"O-oh.. Thanks b-but how do I use it..?"

I looked at him, surprised, yet dumbfounded.
Are you kidding me? How much does he not know..??
I sighed and went next to him from behind, to see from his perspective and started to teach him which button is for play, pause, next, where and how to lower the volume, those stuff. I also told him a few do's and don't's, hopefully he follow's my instructions right, they look.. Trustworthy? or else this will be the last time Ill ever let a stranger lend my stuff. 

"You got all that? and please don't break my stuff."

Cube nodded in agreement before they both continued walking, He put on the earbuds and played the music, it was surprisingly calm, he hasn't heard this kind of music before.. It was nice.
Blixer looked down at the smaller shape who was enjoying the tunes, he felt relieved knowing that he can help this lil' square-head get some sleep. As the Beat looked over at a distance, starting to see some houses from a distance, he tapped Cube's shoulder and pointed straight ahead.

"Is that where ya live? in that small village of some sort?"

"oh.. yeah! I home is in there.. somewhere.."

Both of them continued talking before stopping at the entrance of the small village, the shape looked at the taller beat and rubbed the back of his own head, a bit embarrassed that he was accompanied back by a stranger who helped him, he wasn't that used to any social interactions..

"uhm.. Thanks for bringing me back Blixer.."

"Aye, no big deal, just make sure to return my MP3 player and earphones back after you've got some sleep, 'aight?"

The shape nodded once more before waving goodbye to his new.. friend? that's new.. a Friend, and a beat at that. He walks back, thinking and listening to some Lofi, It seems like he's starting to forget about his nightmare which was a good sign..

A friend huh..? I wonder if he considers me as one.. it's been a while..

Cube thought to himself as he entered his home and went straight to bed, in attempt to sleep while listening to soothing music. Meanwhile on Blixer's side of perspective..
The Beat continued to walk, its been a few minutes now but he can already see his house from a distance, along with a few others which mostly belonged to other beats that like to be solitary. 
He entered his household, only to be greeted by Cuda sleeping on the couch which was an unusual sight..

Psh.. wonder why he isn't in his room this time..

Blixer went up to his room and carefully placed his mixer and gear on the side before laying down on his soft large sized bed as he stared up on the ceiling, thinking about what happened a few moments back. He still can't believe he helped out a stranger back there. Thoughts are running through his head, maybe Cuda's lessons on how to be nice went a bit too.. far?

I hope he's sleeping by now, so.. is he like.. my new friend..? a shape for a friend..?

First time for everything, I guess.. damn.. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2020 ⏰

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