Chapter II

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Chapter 2

"What? No!" Beam was torn now. He wanted Wayo to be happy with Phana but it will cause his freedom too! He wanted to marry for love too!

"If you won't, I'll marry Wayo to someone else. Remember, He will follow my orders and he hates you right now." Lord Vongviphan pointed and smirked at him. Damn it.

Beam gave his old man a nasty glare. Wayo will forgive him later but he should at least compromise this.

"Can I think about it?" Beam rubbed his face, this is so stressful. Why is his father so stubborn? And why did he have that trait too?

"Tick Tock, Beammie. You'll get married first so that my headache can be lessened. You already caused so much trouble by studying medicine, marrying you off is the best choice." The old Vongviphan gave Beam a hard stare.

"Don't call me that!" Beam glared back. "You don't get to choose who will marry me!" That intensifies his father's glare at him. Beam swore he can see smoke coming out of his father's ears.

"Beam Baramee Vongviphan!" his father roared. This is their problem, they are both hard headed. Beam provokes his father so much.

"Fine, I won't back down on the marriage." Beam groaned. He can't believe he caved. Well, he can sacrifice himself more than Wayo. So he thinks it's still best. He can get a divorce anyway.

Like some unfortunate luck that befell upon him, Beam's father may have seen something in his face and added a condition.

"And no, you can't get a divorce either. I am sure you're thinking of divorcing your spouse after."

"Huh? Why?!"

"Your spouse will be a Vongviphan, Beam. I promised Rose that I'll bring back the Panitchayasawad House to Wayo. But you are a Vongviphan, I need someone that I can train to be a Vongviphan since you did not participate in our businesses." That got Beam's attention.

"You're bringing back the Panitchayasawad House?"

Panitchayasawad was once a household name. In fact, it is one of the four Noble Houses which the House Vongviphan is also included. The Panitchayasawad were the House of the East but ever since Wayo's father died, their House name died with him. Wayo's father dies from a secret attack from one of his travels on business. Whoever did it, they burned their properties and estates.

They suspected a secret political clique to destroy the Panitchayasawad House and their target was Wayo, the heir. To protect the heir of the Panitchayasawad House, his father married Wayo's mother and joined the Vongviphan House. The decision was ordered by the Royal Family of Ceres, Jamornhum. It was one of the reasons why Beam was overprotective of Wayo. There are certain people who would hurt him. Fortunately, Beam's father is a wise man and their House is a strong one, too.

"Yes, Beam. Wayo was on board on the idea. It is also the reason why Wayo is studying under me." The patriarch exhaled loudly. "That is why arranged marriage is an important role here. I wanted Wayo to have a spouse with a strong House name that will back him up just in case but if you insist on Phana, then we will rely on Wayo's decision."

This is why he doesn't want to be involved in politics. It is so messy but he still believed that Wayo would try to consider Phana, after all, Wayo loved him.

"So, I am the one with an arranged marriage then." Beam stated with dread.

"Truthfully, I have a list on who I'll marry you off to but since I'm being considerate, I'll let you choose." Beam did a double take on his father's words.

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