Chapter IV

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Chapter 4

"Aish, If I can't get married first, the deal about Phana and Wayo's courtship is off." Phana's face fell.

There's a flash of emotion in Forth's eyes that fade away quickly before Beam can comprehend. What was that about? Beam just shrugged it off and quickly shifted again to his dilemma.

"What now?" Phana asked. "I can't ask that from you, Beam. I know you value your freedom the most."

"I won't let Wayo marry some old dude that has money and fame, Pha. You're my best bet on this. I'll just need someone who I can marry." Phana was relieved to hear those words but Beam knew he wasn't totally on board with the idea.

"Should we contract some girls? I can arrange some." Why the heck Forth can contract some girls? He gave Forth a nasty look.

"It's not that simple, Forth." He tsked at him. "They should be approved by my father and by saying that I can cross out almost everybody! Everyone is afraid of him!" Beam grabbed his hair in distress and he continued to rant. Even though that Vongviphan household is a generous house, people are still afraid of his father. His father was a ruthless business merchant. Not everybody can get friendly with him.

"He requested at least they must have a higher status, a decent name, someone that my father can groom to be the head of the Vongviphan House. Where can I find someone like that on short notice? And by the way, if he doesn't like them he'll marry me to someone of his choice. Oh my god help me!" He glared pointedly at his friends. Phana and Forth looked at each other.

Then Forth sighed.

"But Beam, You'll be the one who'll get married. What do you want them to be?" Beam stared at Forth. This guy would be popular among a crowd. Forth can pick up social cues, was kind and so considerate, and he didn't even think to question himself this. He just accepted it.

"I.. I wanted someone who can live with me." He stuttered at Forth's earnest eyes. Pha chuckled at Forth's side. Beam's eyes slide to his best friend.

"What's wrong with his answer?" Forth hissed at Phana. Ha! Take that Pha.

"Good luck finding that someone. I lived with him for almost two months in the dorms, man. I moved out because I was helping with my uncle's business and lived with them until graduation. All Beam's roommate after me cannot even last a week with him. Even Kit gave up on him." Beam kicked Pha's shin repeatedly.

Even with a Vongviphan name, his father allowed him to be in dorms. It was actually a punishment that Beam chose Medicine instead of their Business. Lam, his escort was there too but he was guarding Beam outside his university dorm. It did not last long since no one would room with Beam because he will nag the person to death if there's a single thing he did not like. Phana put up with him, that's why they are friends. In the end, his father bought him a house where he and other escorts can guard him properly, too. And by house, he means a large house. Not as big as their manor but big enough for three people to get lost in it.

"Aw, Ouch! But it's the truth Beammie! You know that!" Yes, he knows that. Beam was very particular and he doesn't really mingle with people outside Phana and Kit. Forth was actually a miracle. They didn't even think he'd end up having a close relationship with Forth.

"Don't worry Beam, we'll find you someone." Forth reassured Beam as he ruffled his head.

"Where can we find someone like that?" Beam groaned. It will be a challenge that's for sure. Especially that he is so picky. Even when they get through Beam, he can't be so sure about his father.

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