III - Together

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"Please don't shoot me, I don't want to hurt you I promise" the girl begs.

Her voice is raspy and desperate; she sounds weak, exhausted and dehydrated. Despite that, she has a sweet and gentle tone that you can't help but find attractive. Realizing there's no threat, you holster your gun and try to get a better look at her face which is only dimly illuminated by the soft glow of the fire.

"I won't shoot you" you respond, still unable to make out her face, "but what are you doing here?"

"I'm lost" the sweet voiced girl sobs, "I've been out here for weeks, I was doing ok at first but now I'm very very hungry and I didn't know if I'd make it - I'm so sorry, I don't want to bother you but I saw the light from your fire and I..."

You sigh. Of course your limited supply of food is what she's after. But as you look at her shadow more closely, you realize she's indeed scarily frail and thin - she isn't lying about being on the edge of starvation.

"Ok here, have this" you say and hand her a piece of deer meat and some corn on the cob.

The girl begins crying tears of joy as she tastes real food for the first time in weeks. She devours everything in an instant, clearly still starving but she's too afraid to ask for more. You pity her and give her more, along with some water to drink.

"Oh my, you are a saint" she says, still crying as she holds you tightly for a hug. Sweet voice girl reminds you of a lost puppy - you wonder how she got herself into this mess. "I really can't thank you enough, I know you had no obligation to help me but it's so so kind of you and you've probably saved my life."

You feel a bit awkward but pat her on the back, feeling again how malnourished she is. She pulls back and you get a proper look into her eyes - her eyes.

You've seen them before

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You've seen them before. She's Rosé - Rosé from Blackpink, that you met at the fan-

Your brain is suddenly pierced with spears from all angles and you wince in pain. When it subsides you try to recall what you'd been thinking of. You'd just made a huge connection about Rosé's identity, you know that - but now can't remember the details. All you remember now is she's Rosé from The Pinks, the one you saw on the "Wanted" poster in the sheriff's office. It just feels like there's something more to it than that.

Despite her terrible state she is still strikingly pretty. You're entranced by her beautiful features and you couldn't look away if you wanted to. She smiles softly and you feel all kinds of warm tingles inside you.

"You're... you're Rosé" you breathe, totally in awe that the girl who's been on your mind ever since you saw her picture is now face to face with you.

"Yeah I am" she says sadly, "I know you must think I'm a brutal murderer or something but please, please I don't want to hurt or rob you or anybody. Honestly, I'm just trying to survive."

RED ROSE REDEMPTION (Rosé x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now