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Rapunzel's P.O.V.

We were waiting for Adrian to come out from her room. We just got the uniforme and the paper works were done yesterday. Adrian knew her duties and we had informed my parents and Nigel. Wich was important after the spy accident.

Today was Adrian's first day of work and Eugene and Varian were still complaining a bit. They are protective over her.

We were chatting as we waited. My sentence was intrupted by the crack of the door.

Adrian stood infront of us. Her uniform wasn't traditional. It was just like Cass's uniform but with longer collar and smaller in size.

I chose it for three reasons. One, it would hid her scars as she wanted. Two, it brought back memories and I liked it. Three, I thought it would look pretty at her.

And I was right! She looked beautiful!


~Time skip to one week later~

Adrian's P.O.V.

Rapunzel was at the throne room listening to citizens, Varian was in his lab, Eugene got some training for the new gaurds and I was washing some clothes.

It was a beautiful sunny day. I actually enjoyed being outside right now. The soft breez, the birds song, the ray of sunshine,... It was all so relaxing!

I looked up from the clothes as I heard some one calling in distans.

I looked up to see 3 people walking my way with two horses and, to my suprise, a rhino.

I may be new in here but I know that normal people doesn't travel by rhino! And by their clothing, they weren't from here. A tall woman with white hair, a man with brown hair and dark armor and a black haired man with a cape on the rhino.

These people weren't normal. But who IS normal?!

Some thing was familiar for me about them but I couldn't place it. They came closer and I stood up as the brown haired man started to talk.

-"Hello young lady. We are here to meet queen Rapunzel and king Eugene. Can you take us to them?"

-"They are in diffrent places at the moment. The queen is in the throne room. I can take you to her since her higness is talking to citizens."

I told them in a polit tone.

-"Yes, please."

I smiled at the brown haired man. He seemed nice. The lady seemed calm and the black haired man looked annoyed. I hope it's not my fault.

-"Follow me please."

As we reached the throne room, the last citizen walked out and Nigel was about to close the door but I hurried to him.

-"Mr.Nigel! Please wait a moment!"

He looked at me annoyed. It's obvious that he doesn't like me.

-"Why is that girl?"

-"These people have requested to see the queen."

Nigel looked behind us and his annoyed face turned to fake but polit smile.

-"Oh, we didn't know you were going to visite, your majesty!"

Wait! Your majesty?! Who were these people?!

I looked up at them and steped back to clear the door way.

-"Come in your higness! I hope she hadn't bothered you."

I went pale as he glared at me.

I didn't know! How was I supposed to know?! What if they are mad at me?!

-"Oh no, not at all. This young lady brought us here!"

I let out a small sight of relife. Thank goodness...

They walked in and I wanted to followed them. But I still had some cloth to wash. I desided to go and finish them and then come back. I was supossed to be by queen's side after all.

I rushed back to the yard to finish my work. But my mind was wondering around those three people. There was some thing telling me I was supposed to know them. But why?

I was finished after around 30 minutes so I hangged them to dry. I walked inside the castle. Since it have already been 45 minutes, they souldn't have been in the throne room. So they are probably in the meeting room.

I knocked on the door and queen's cheery voice boomed.

-"Come in!"

I slowly opened the door and was met by Rapunzel, her parents, Eugene, Varian and the strangers.

-"Oh, Come here!"

I walked and stood up by Rapunzel's side. They all looked happy, specialy Eugene. It made me smile.

Varian, who was sitting next to Rapunzel, looked at me and whispered. I bend down to hear him.

-"These are from the dark kingdom! Eugene's father who is king Edmond, Adira and Hector!"

I nodded and smiled thankfully. That's why I thought I should remember them! They have told me about the brotherhood!

I heared some one whispered angrily in my ear.

-"Stand still, girl!"

That was when I noticed Nigel was standing on other side of Rapunzel. I stood up firmly and a bit scared.

How didn't I noticed him? It doesn't matter, just don't make him mad!

Suddenly another knock broke royal's chat.

-"Come in!"

Rapunzel called again but I didn't dare to look back at who it was. To be honest, I was a bit scared at Nigel's warning. I mean, oh come on! He is scary when he is mad!

-"Queen Rapunzel? Did you asked for me?"

I froze as I heard his voice. I slowly looked back, not caring about Nigel any more, as King Edmond spoke up.

-"Quirin! Long time no see!"


Hi again!
I hope you've enjoyed! Sorry about these chapters. I'm having a few problems. I really enjoy reading you comments! Thanks for reading!

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