🥀 ғɪғᴛʏ-ғᴏᴜʀ

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"Are you leaving tonight?" Renjun's asked as InHye helped pick up his room.

"Yes, I have homework to do" InHye sighed remembering that she hasn't even started on her homework from Mr. Ahn.

"I finished, do you want me to help you?"

"It's fine Jun, I didn't bring my homework anyways" She picked up the ripped painting, dragging it outside and leaving it propped up against the wall.

"Well, I can come over and help. I just how your parents don't mind" Renjun presses his lips into a thin line, watching InHye and she tried picking up the rose stem carefully. Sadly, accidentally cutting herself on he sharp thorn.

"Ouch-" The gurl slightly yelped, retracting her hand and looking at the tiny bubble of blood-forming on her index finger.

"Oh, are you ok?" Renjun instantly rushed to her sides.

"Yeah, just a little bit of blood. No big deal"

Renjun took her hand and led her back to his bed, grabbing the tissue and putting it on the blood. Soaking it all up and wiping the rest.

"Ah, thanks" She smiled and got back to work on cleaning the boys messed up room.


The last thing InHye had to do was sweep up the broken glass, but she couldn't find and broom, and Renjun was currently in the bathroom. The girl decided to pick up the big pieces and throw them into the trash first, and then wait for Renjun to help her find a broom.

InHye traveled carefully to the trash can with six glass pieces in her hand. Once she threw them in, Renjun came right back.

"Did you need to broom? I don't want the glass to cut your hands. That's would make your cut yourself again!" Renjun chuckled lightly as InHye nodded her head, following Renjun to the utility closet, where Chenle and Renjun store all their cleaning supplies.

"Don't you think I should sweep it up?" Renjun gripped the broom.

"I can Renjun, it's okay-"

"No. I'll do it. It's my mess anyways" Renjun walked back to his room with a small InHye trailing behind. She sat on the bed waiting for Renjun to finish sweeping the tiny specs of glass. Then, Chenle came in with a vacuum.

"Here. Renjun-Gege told me to bring it up here for the glass he broke" Chenle dragged the heavy vacuum over to InHye, and rolling the cord and plugging it into the wall.

"Here Renjun-ah" InHye pushed the vacuum over to the glass, vacuuming it up and making her leave no debris behind.

"Thanks for helping me clean up" Renjun smiled, laying down on the comfy bed with her.

"No problem, after all this was caused by me-"

"No, it was my fault for not keeping my anger in. If I controlled myself, I wouldn't have broken so many things, and my wall would be perfectly fine" Renjun pouted, his
anger got the best of him. Remembering how Jeno had to pull him away from the wall in order to save the house.

"But I was ignoring you. Not knowing how much damage I was doing-"

"You don't need to mention it now that you are back and trust me" Renjun smiled, pulling her to lay down with me. "Do you like cuddling?"

The boy asked all of a sudden, and he wasn't shameful at all. InHye had to give an honest answer, even though the question gave the girl a big blush on her cheek.

"Y-Yes..." She said it quietly, but loud enough for Renjun to hear.

"Really? Well then" Renjun hugged her waist and laid her down with him, putting his chin right onto her neck. Needless to say, InHye's face was bright tomato but she gave in surprisingly even easily, hugging him back and closing her eyes.

"This is comfortable" She hugged him a little tighter, being the clingy sleeper that she is. InHye soon fell asleep from being extremely stressed and tired. One thing she forgot to do was tell her mom that she was unexpectedly sleeping over.

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