Kirr x Fem!Reader ☽

97 7 3

Oops I died,

Just try a get all my last minute school work done (I'm now in my final year ahhhh)

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"How.... much... further...." you let out a few heavy pants as you travel uphill has the blaring sun shines down on everything below it. You gripped the bottle of water in your hand seeing that there's only half of it left.

"Miss Manager! You have to keep up!" You heard Aitachi and Kirr having a conversation up ahead like it was nothing. June and Day had also made an appearance on this trip but while June was encouraging everyone, Day was lowkey on the verge of crying. Poor baby wanted to go back home to his boyfrie- I mean his best friend, Nine.

"Y-yeah....." you let out another huff as you could take any more movement. You paused with your hand on your knees while you slouched over. You took some deep breaths and a mouthful of water before returning the bottle to the bag on your back. You fanned your face with your hand and sighed before working the courage to look up and move again.

But there's a problem.

Everyone is so far ahead you can't see them anymore.

"Oh my god...." you take another step for your leg to wobble like jelly and collapse. You stumble and fall back into a tree, that saves you from a ditch which was even steeper than what you were climbing now.


"Come on Day! You got to be a man, a man never quits!" June's words were encouraging Day to continue. Day let out a small laugh and the two started to speed up to over take Kirr and Aitachi's quick but continuous pace.

"Hmm... I wonder how much further the top is..." Kirr turned around, "Manag- ... MANAGER!?" Everyone stopped at Kirr's shout, you were missing. "You guys continue on up, I'll go find her."

back to you

"This sucks..." your legs were almost numb as you leaned on the tree that saved you earlier.

You had taken out your water again and you took small sips.

You felt fuzzy.

Your body felt like it was moving while being completely still.

A low growl emitted from the forestry on the other side of the path.

It gave off a sleepy aura. You didn't feel panic at all as you slowly fell into a slumber.

You eye lid starting to shut as you suddenly heard a whistling sound.

The creature let out a high pitch squeal as it turned to nothing but dust, the arrow dropping to the floor.

"Miss-!" Kirr ran over and almost slid next to you. You were half asleep and weren't very aware to your surroundings.

"Kirr...? Is it you?" You place you hands on his shoulders as you try you best to keep you eyes opened. You smile gently in your tired state as Kirr pushes your hair from your face. Your skin was boiling hot.

"Manager, you might be getting heat stroke..." by now your eyes are open but your body feels lethargic. Kirr rests his cool hand on your forehead, you sighed as you shifted to try stand up, with Kirrs help as he held your arms, but you body really wasn't having it and you couldn't support your weight.

"I'm sorry... this my fault for stopping." You smile gently at Kirr as his cheeks become slightly rosier. You had your arms around the males neck in order to stay upright but the effects on doing this was almost too much on the poor guy as he turned his head away.

"Don't be sorry, you're not as physically trained as us, we should have been watching." You let out a laugh as Kirr spoke and you shook your head.

"I'm meant to be leading this, nothing is your fault."

"I..." Kirr sighed and pulled you close into a hug. "I'm glad your safe, Y/n..." his arms enveloped you in a safe cage and your eyes met his before he rested his head atop yours. "I don't think I could bare seeing another person I care for get hurt..." you felt like crying, his sweet words touched your heart.

"Kirr..." the male pulls away to look at you, "I'm not going anywhere... I'll always be here."

A smile fell on both of your faces.

When you first joined, you didn't understand Kirr very well as a person due to his traditional lifestyle. However after some time you found yourself getting closer to the male, he opened up his heart to you and trusted you.

Time in the other world is strange, but you know it had been a while when you first felt that pit into your stomach when Kirr was around.

Kirr himself allowed himself to let go of the colder exterior when your around as he found comfort in your company. He had spoke to the others in his team about his feeling and Nine confirmed Kirr's feelings of adoration for you.

"Y/n... we should go..." you giggled as you forgot about the others for a sec.

"Oka-" "on a date." You looked at Kirr to see if he was serious and by the tint on his cheeks, you could assume it was true. You hugged him tighter and pecked his cheek.

"Of course! I'll look forward to it." You took a small step back, "but for now let's get this mission done."

"Oh... Yes, of course!" Kirr smiled slightly before picking you up like you weighed nothing and carrying you uphill to the others.

The mission went smoothly has you took down the vengeful spirt residing that the top of the mountain.

Needless to say the view from the top was beautiful but Kirr's favourite view was you.

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Published: 10th September 2020 00:30

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