one // blurb;

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"Back again, Mr Clifford?" Luke asks with a teasing smile, a familiar glint in his blue eyes.

"Just for you," Michael says. He knows what Luke's doing, he knows how to play the younger blond's game.

"Is Leah on a business trip or visiting family this time?" Michael is sure the pretty boy is joking, but he can see the underlying hurt in his eyes. It's Luke's job to please his customers, not grow attached. And growing attached wasn't in Michael's intentions either.

"Neither. She's at home with the kids. She thinks I'm at a harmless bar."

"Nothing about me is harmless, Mr Clifford. Surely you know that by now."

"You know I do," Michael throws a wink at Luke, who accepts it with a small smile. Michael really shouldn't be flirting with Luke, but he's too captivated to care.

Michael feels something for Luke. Something he doesn't feel for his own wife. It's not love, he knows that much. He isn't in love with Luke, he can't be. The most he's socially allowed to feel for Luke is a strong liking perhaps, maybe fondness. Luke's a stripper, Michael's a lawyer. Feelings weren't part of the deal.

"Let me finish making up this round of drinks and then I'm all yours," Luke says, directing his head nod towards a small, rowdy group of men.

"All mine," Michael echoes, drifting away from the bar and towards the club's private quarters. He's become so acquainted with the sex rooms he even knows which one Luke will find him in.



-Lowkey fem af 21 yr old stripper Luke

-Daddy af 35 yr old married Michael w/ kids

-Background mentions of rape but no actual rape. (doesn't have anything to do with the characters, it's just michael's lawyer case.)

-Background mentions of character death but no actual death. (doesn't have anything to do with the characters, it's just michael's lawyer case.)

-no ashton

-no calum

this will have a lot of sex but there is going to be actual plot mixed in and it'll be amazing! ^.^ I've been writing this story for a long time and i'm extremely proud of it


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