Family Is Everything

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Oli's parents are always so lovely to me, and as usual, they both greet me with a hug when they open the door for us. They seem like the loveliest, most perfect family to me... like they're all friends, and all equals... and a perfect mix of silly, serious and friendly. Oli hugs his Dad and laughs at his 'Dad shirt' and gives his Mum a kiss on the cheek too. Family Oli is one of my favourite versions of Oli. His Mum thanks me for the wine and offers me a glass, which I gladly accept. Maybe it will help me get a hold of my nerves! We sit in the lounge with drinks and of course, they ask about Oli being sick and what was wrong etc etc. I love how Oli gushes about me to them; saying that I waited on him hand and foot and didn't leave his side, and went out to get him medication at midnight. "I'm so glad he has you." his Mum says to me sweetly. Oli just looks at me and it's like I see him saying 'see, I told you so'. I'm wondering when he's going to drop the news, but I guess there's no rush – other than my anxiety that stews every moment he keeps it in. They ask how our weekend in London was... the Sony party in particular, and Oli says it was fun and that he met some of my work friends. It's all very polite and nice, though Oli does bring up Paul and give them a brief rundown of his actions toward me and how we both told him off. Oli kind of looks at me with a smile when everything about the party is said and done, and I can read his face like a book. I can tell what's coming... he's about to do it... he's going to drop the bomb. He squeezes my hand and I swallow hard. "So uh, we actually did something in London that I guess I should tell you about..." he says, trailing off suspensefully. Butterflies are swarming my stomach and it feels like he takes forever to actually say anything else.
"Well, spit it out then." his Dad says eagerly. Ugh, I feel sick and nervous and excited all at once!
"Well... we got engaged." Oli says unable to contain his smile. As much as I want to revel in Oli's gorgeous, happy, smiling face, I automatically look at his parents to see their reaction. To my relief, his Dad smiles hugely, though he looks completely shocked, while his Mum puts her hand over her mouth. I'm not sure if she's horrified or happy. Oli kisses my cheek and I look at him lovingly, but I'm freaking out about how silent it is. "Shit, Congratulations!" his Dad says, finally breaking the silence that felt like an absolute eternity. "Get over here!" he says, getting to his feet. Oli and I both stand up and he goes straight in for a hug with his Dad. "I'm so happy for you, son." he says as I watch on. By now, Oli's Mum is standing too and as I look over nervously, I can see she's trying not to cry. She looks at me with a smile and I can't stop myself from welling up too. Without really thinking about it, I hug her and she squeezes me. "Oh, I'm so happy for you both." she says. Relief completely floods my body. I'm so happy that they're happy, it's such a relief to me and it makes me feel so warm and accepted. She lets me go and holds my shoulders and just looks at me. "Oh, we just love you Grace. Don't we Ian?" she says, asking Oli's Dad to agree. I feel like my heart is going to explode as he agrees. Oli completely beams at me before hugging his Mum. "Congratulations." Oli's Dad says to me as he hugs me. "So you're going to be one of us... I hope you know what you're in for!" he jokes.
"I do. I'm excited." I reply. I completely forget about all of the dumb things I was thinking earlier and just sit there smiling stupidly as Oli tells them about the proposal – the London Eye one, and then the first one, minus all of the sex-related details. Oli's Mum tells him off for not having a ring the first time around, and asks why he didn't buy me a diamond. Oli just laughs and blames me, saying that I won't let him and the conversation turns into discussions about weddings and some of the plans we've already made, before we head to the dining room for dinner. Oli's Dad does a cheers to our engagement before we eat, and I honestly couldn't be happier as we sit around the table talking all night over wine and food.

We're there for around 3 hours, and Oli is being so affectionate with me it's crazy. He's brimming with joyful energy thats impossible to ignore, and it makes me so happy. We sit and chat and Oli's Mum tells me that she's never seen her son so happy, and thanks me for 'putting up' with him. I have to hold back tears after hearing her say such a thing... and I love that she thinks I'm having to put up with him. I definitely think it's more of him putting up with me and my overthinking mind. The entire night is basically wedding talk, and Oli informs them about our plans to not have anyone at the ceremony. They are understanding, which makes sense since it's not the first time he's been through it, but they're excited for the party – or reception as they continue to call it and insist on being involved. They're so enthusiasic and excited about everything and it makes me so happy. Oli's Mum offers to help me with anything I need, and it's so nice that she wants to get involved with me. I love Oli's parents so much, and I'm truly grateful to soon become part of their family.

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