Connection ❤

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Once we arrive at Oli's house my nerves have started to go crazy, and he hasn't even touched me, but I'm already practically trembling. It's funny how we had teased each other so much over the past week, and I'd been pretty vocal with him about sexual stuff, but now that it's actually going to happen, I feel kind of shy. Don't get me wrong... I'm excited too, and stupidly turned on, but I just feel different about it than I did the other nights I've been here. I stop by the door to take my boots off then follow Oli inside. He's standing in the lounge just looking like he's waiting for me, so I walk over and wrap my arms around him with a smile. "We're finally free." he whispers. It's such an amazing feeling knowing that everything is OK, Lisa didn't murder anyone and now we can just enjoy each other without any worries or pressure.
"Gracey, I want you to know there's no pressure from me... for anything." he says as he holds me. "I meant it when I said I don't want to rush with you." he adds. It's really sweet that he doesn't want to push me into anything, and I appreciate how willing he is to take things slowly with me, but honestly, I can't think about anything else, and I don't have any doubts about what I want.
"You're amazing." I say as I move and position my lips by his ear. "But I don't want to wait any longer." I whisper before pulling my face away and smiling at him sweetly, and maybe slightly shyly. He grins then takes my face in his hands and kisses me passionately, while I rest my hands on his waist.
"Can we go to bed?" I whisper as our lips separate. He looks at me and nods, then takes my hand and leads me down the hallway, turning off the lights on the way past.

As soon as we're in the bedroom, I slide my jacket off as he turns on his bedside light so we can see. I'm a little awkward just standing there beside the bed, but he comes and stands in front of me, then holds my head in his hands to kiss me sweetly. He finds the edges of my shirt and gently pulls it up over my head before I do the same with him, and I giggle a little as he struggles to unclip my bra.
"Sorry." he whispers with a giggle as I kiss at his cheek and lips, and run my hands down to his jeans, pulling at the button to undo them. He looks at my bare chest as he runs his hands down my body and undoes my skirt, letting it fall to the floor as I push his jeans down off his hips. I feel so much electricity running through my veins... the way he undresses me makes me feel so giddy. He looks at me and smiles, then kisses me deeply as his hands explore my exposed skin. He gently guides me toward the bed, and I sit back onto the sheets as my legs hit the side of the mattress. He stands in front of me and leans down to kiss me as his hands gently surround my neck and I pull his boxers down his legs as his tongue chases mine. I touch him which makes him moan, and as I move my eyes down, I now know how far his tattoos go down his body as I see him naked for the first time. "Reckless?" I say as I read the tattooed word that was always hidden under his sweatpants. "Not with you, Gracey." he says before kissing me again. I wriggle back onto the bed and wait for him nervously, but full of excited anticipation as he finds a condom. He climbs onto the bed and hovers above me, kissing my breasts and stomach, then delicately pulling at my underwear. I lift my hips and he slides them all the way to my ankles then off past my toes. He looks at me totally naked for the first time and I watch his eyes travel from between my legs all the way up to my eyes, where his lips curl into a smile. He hovers over me again and kisses my lips, then my cheek, then my neck and I exhale hard as he positions his body between my legs, forcing them open. I feel exposed, but not self-conscious as he touches me and softly runs his hands over my skin. This is really about to happen.

"Oli... can you go slow?" I whisper in his ear as he kisses my neck and finds the right spot. He lifts his face right in front of mine and smiles.
"It's just been a long time." I add a little nervously, feeling like I need to explain why I requested the slowness. He nods and looks at me with a soft expression that tells me he finds my semi-innocence endearing.
"I'll be gentle with you." he replies quietly before kissing me. I hold his face in my hands and kiss him deeply but slowly, then plant little kisses on his cheek, chin and jaw. We kiss and touch for a while and I don't know why I suddenly feel so shy, but I do. Every time he looks at me and smiles, I feel kind of nervous. I'm behaving the exact opposite of how I did the other night when I climbed on top of him on the couch.
"Ready?" he asks softly. I smile at him and nod. I've literally been waiting for this moment for such a long time. I close my eyes as he slowly pushes forward and slides into me, and I inhale with the movement. I moan softly as he stops, and he kisses my cheek lightly. It didn't hurt at all, but I'd definitely forgotten how good it felt to be fulfilled. He moves away slowly, and pushes into me gently again and again, each time feeling more comfortable and even better than the last.
"Do you feel good?" he whispers as his lips brush against my cheek in light kisses. I open my eyes and look at him with a smile as I nod.
"You feel amazing." I say, still breathing heavily in time with his movements.
"Do you feel good?" I ask as I look at him. He nods and smiles at me.
"You feel incredible." he replies.

I think he can pick up on how I'm feeling and he starts to move a little faster, finding a slow, but steady pace. Our lips collide with each other's over and over, his hot breath skims across my cheek and our noses touch as we kiss passionately. I can feel everything so intensely as he moves his body, and it feels incredible. "You feel so good." I say through heavy breaths. My lips venture to his cheek and jaw as I run my hands through his hair, and his lips kiss at my neck as he hovers his body above me. He falls a little deeper as my body relaxes into it, and I let my eyes travel away from his face to his arms and chest; to his tattooed skin that drives me crazy. "You're so sexy." I say softly as I let my hands gently travel down his biceps and over every inch of his skin that I can reach. He smiles at the compliment then leans in and kisses me again, almost stopping all movement for a moment. He locks his fingers into mine as he presses my hands back into the sheets, and feeling our skin meet in so many places makes me happy. My breath rises and falls with his thrusts that are now at a normal pace, and I kiss at his lips as he makes me feel amazing. Sex with him isn't like I remember it... it's deep and passionate, slow and sensual. It's not just about the obvious connecting of our bodies, it's about the touching and kissing and looking at him and feeling completely comfortable. It's so much more than just what's physically happening, for me anyway... it's like surrendering to him entirely, handing him my heart and letting him take a piece of my soul. I wonder if he feels the same way. He takes me all the way to ecstacy, slowly and lovingly, and he tells me I'm beautiful as I come down from my orgasm. Sex with him is more intimate than it's ever been with anyone else, and I find myself gazing at him with a tiny smile as he continues to connect his body to mine, causing little aftershocks within me. It's so intense, but the way he touches me makes me feel beautiful, the way he kisses me he makes me feel special, and the way he smiles at me as we make love makes me feel adored. I've honestly never felt like this with anyone.

I knew that I would be easily pleased, but he seems surprised as he takes me to my second orgasm and even more surprised when I hit a third. Yes, really. I've never had that happen before, but I'm so lost in the moment and feeling so emotionally connected to him that I'm not surprised. It also doesn't hurt that he really seems to know what he's doing. He gets his orgasm about a minute after my third, and I hold his face in my hands and just look at him happily as he cums. He collapses on top of me like he's absolutely exhausted and I can feel his heart pounding as he lays there and I run my hands through his hair. I've never felt so connected to another person before and I honestly don't know what to say to him as he lifts his face up from me after resting for a moment. "I'm crazy about you." he says with a grin as he stares at me intensely. I just stare right back at him and smile. I never thought I would be with him... I never thought someone like me could find something so wonderful, especially not with a person like him. He pulls himself out of me and I roll onto my side to face him on the bed as he comes in close, wraps his arms around me and strokes my hair.
"It's never felt like that for me before." I whisper. "You're amazing." I say even quieter. He kisses my forehead and then rests his cheek against my head and I just lie there feeling all warm and fuzzy. I feel so close to him emotionally that it's almost overwhelming. In a way, I almost feel like crying. "Please hold me." I whisper quietly against his bare skin.

He holds me so tightly and rubs his thumb against the back of my head where his hand falls and we just lay there for a few minutes in silence; our hearts still racing. "You're a fucking dream." he whispers after a while, making me look at him. I don't know what he means by that but it sounds good. "Nobody has ever appreciated me that much... I've never made anyone that happy." he says with a smile followed by a sweet kiss. I guess he's pretty chuffed at the multiple orgasm thing, and honestly, he probably should be.
"Have you ever had that many before?" he asks curiously, like he's trying not to look proud of himself. I just shake my head. "Never more than one." I add with a shy smile. I know he's going to feel good hearing that.
"You're amazing." he says with a little kiss. "I mean it, Gracey... you're the best I've ever had." he adds with a smile. I feel so amazing hearing him say that, and it's the same for me too; I've never felt so close to someone before. I just stare at him happily and touch his face as we lay there naked in each others' arms.

"Would you do something for me?" he asks out of the blue as we lay there quietly. I smile at him and nod. There's pretty much nothing I wouldn't do for him. "Can you delete tinder from your phone?" he asks with a smile. I smile at him and I feel myself blush and I reach out to kiss him softly. "You won't be needing it again." he says. I guess that means he's pretty serious about me...? "Gladly." I reply. He smiles and kisses me, then turns off his light and pulls me in close, and I fall asleep against him feeling warm, satisfied, safe and most importantly, loved - even if we're a long way from actually saying the words. He makes me feel like nobody else ever has, and like I never thought anybody would, and I'm honestly happier than I ever imagined was possible.

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