Chapter 5: Training

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Stiles P.O.V

I woke up. I got dressed and grabbed the make up I got from my house yesterday. I put it on my tattoo. Once I was done I went to the living room.

"You ready?" Scott asked.

"Ya." I said I am driving him to school. 

I drive to school.

At the end of the day I get Scott to ride with someone else. I go to the my trainers house. I go around the back to his gym. I hear weights. I open the door to see my trainer Peter lifting weights. He looked at me.

"You finally showed up?" He asked

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"You finally showed up?" He asked.

"Ya Sorry I am in the process of moving. And I know that's not a excuse. But I'm here so let's train." I said

"Go change. Then start." He said. I nodded and ran to the back.

After hours of hard core training i am covered in sweat.

"Ok your good to go. Be here tomorrow same time. You have your biggest fight coming up. You have to work your ass off up till the fight. So here tomorrow." He said.

"Yes sir. Here tomorrow." I said nodded I grab my stuff.

"Hey and I got the flight set up Thursday. So you have three days to get ready. You have to be here everyday till then and you have to stay later than usual. No go home." He said.

"Ok. See you tomorrow." I said he nodded. I left. I drove home to the new house. I go in and take a shower and get dressed.

 I go in and take a shower and get dressed

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I go into the kitchen and find some food.

I settled for a apple and a ham sandwich. It may or may not have been a double stack. 😳

I hung out with the pack for awhile then I went to the station. I walked in and went to my dads office saying hi to some officers. I go in. He's working.

"Stiles? What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Nothing just thought I'd stop by." I said shrugging

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