The kitten

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Hinata's POV
Hagrid explained everything, and gave me some books and left.

"I'll be back tomorrow!"

He had a warm smile, he was a big guy, but he had a heart of gold. Almost like the BFG. I was reading through the books he gave me and i spent all night reading, with my lamp on.

And some of you are probably thinking "what about his mom?" Well she was a little sad that she couldn't see me on the holidays but she believed Hagrid, and trusted him.

I was excited for today, despite staying up all night. Hagrid came and fetched me. I was utterly amazed at all the passages i went through to get to a town.

"Where are we?"

"Diagon Alley, but first we need to go to Gringotts!"


"The wizarding bank, operated by goblins, clever things they are, but they have a bad temper" he whispered in my ear.

I chuckled at his accusation, and we made our way to the bank. We went in and i looked at the goblins, Hagrid spoke to goblin and gave a key to him. They took us in a mining cart (i think) and we made way to a safe. I was having the time on my life, i was so happy, but I didn't know why. There were multiple reasons, first, I'm going to learn magic! Second, I'm in a mining cart on my way to a safe, like i was a spy or something and i found out goblins exist! Today was a ride even though it just started.

The goblin opened the safe, and i was shocked at the amount of money.

"Where did this come from!?"

"Well one of your relatives were wizards and said to give his life savings to the next wizard from his bloodline."


Thats all I could say. I came out the bank practically rich. I went to the Ollivanders, while Hagrid went to get something. I walked in and the shop owner immediately noticed me.

"Ah, I've never seen you before, here for your wand?"

"Yep!" A smile appeared on my face


Then he ran to the back of the store and ran back with a box. He opened it and revealed a wand. It was beautiful, the craftsmanship on it was so detailed and amazing. I stared at it for a while

"So? Give it a flick!"

"Huh- oh okay!"

I flicked the wand and the light fell on the mans head. I chuckled but he was unamused. He gave me a few more wands, but it ended up in disaster. Eventually he came out with a fancy box, unlike the others it had a golden line in the shape of a cross, on the lid. He opened it and i took the wand.

The wand was beautiful, it was engraved in flowers, more specifically roses and thorns. It had some golden tint to it that shined in the light. I noticed a light overcome me. The shop owner sighed in relief.

"Glad that's over with!"

"Yea, sorry about everything..."

"Don't worry about it! It happens lot.."

I looked over at the window, and there stood Hagrid, holding a kitten. It was caramel with black socks, a black tip on its tail and a black face. It was stunning, and he just said "Welcome to Hogwarts!"

562 words

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