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Hinata's POV
(Mostly Hinata's pov)
Hagrid walked into Ollivanders, holding an adorable kitty.

"Here ya go"

He handed it to me and i fell in love with it. He reminded me of Kenma, since Nekoma are cats and his fur reminded me of Kenma's hair. I patted his head, and he purred. It was amazing! I already adored my feline friend.

"So, whatcha gonna name it?"

"Hmm, well he reminds me of my friend Kenma, so maybe Ken?"

"Ken it is!"

I smiled and hugged Ken, i held him most of the time but i did have a kennel for him.

We went to buy all my school supplies, and i was so tired, i felt like i might pass out. We got home, and I studied spells for a while. It hit midnight, and i fell asleep while i was studying. My mom told me to stop studying at night, with only my lamp on.

"You're going to ruin your eyes!"

"But i don't wanna look like an idiot when I arrive at Hogwarts!"

"You won't! Just go easy on yourself, okay?"

"Fine, but no promises!"

My mom chuckled, and ruffled up my hair. Despite our fight I stayed up all night, since i had to learn English to understand the books, so i was in a rush. Our next holiday was in a month. I had limited time to learn English, and all the common potions, and spells. I also needed to learn about the history of the magicking world!

I was paying attention in English class more, and wrote down everything my teacher wrote down, and taped her classes to learn English as soon as possible.

"Oi, boke! What's with you? You started paying a lot more attention to English class!"

I made up an excuse for this when I started paying attention more,

"Oh, my mom said that if my grades don't improve, I'll have to quit volleyball"

"Oh, then you better work hard boke!"

I smiled, and gave him a thumbs up. I was cycling home today. I needed to study more. I was still practicing volleyball, but that was only during practice. Hagrid also told me i had to come earlier, so i can learn how to ride a broom, make potions and do spells, since i start in year 4. I'm excited, but nervous. I was going to be there earlier, and Hagrid was going to take me on his broom. It was so exciting! I couldn't wait to get there!

It had been 3 weeks, i was packing and i had to get glasses because of all my studying! They're annoying but I'll get used to them. I was leaving tomorrow, and i was excited to get sorted into a house. I was hoping for Gryffindor or Hufflepuff! But any house was fine. I was also excited to be in the same year as Harry Potter! It was all so exciting! I could hardly sleep (not that i ever do anymore, since I've learned almost all the spells in that book off by heart). Ken sat on my chest as i was laying in bed and i just stroked him (yes i have a cat and i do do this with him) eventually we both fell asleep, and I couldn't wait for tomorrow!

It was the next day, and i was even more energetic than usual! I couldn't wait to see Hogwarts, and meet everyone there! Well all the teachers for the first week. Hagrid came and picked me up.

"Hey there, shrimpy"

Great now Hagrid calls me shrimpy too

"Hey Hagrid!"

"You excited to see Hogwarts?"

"Yeah!" I jumped as high as I could

Hagrid just stood in shock since i met eye-to-eye with him, but then smiled

"Got some spring to ya, hey shrimpy?"

I just smiled. Me and Hagrid talked on the broom and i held on for dear life, like if i fell i would die. Hagrid laughed at me and i just pouted. We made it to Hogwarts, and i could feel the energy racing through me.

(It's longer than the others since i had motivation-)

692 words

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