Sick Subaru

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Subaru sneezed which actually made him jump a little. He sniffled and blew his nose with the tissue paper beside him. He curled deeper into his large fluffy blanket and covered his head with a pillow. He groaned when he felt a cough coming up. After a series of coughs, he heard yelling coming towards his room. He wanted to cry because he knew it was Laito and Ayato. They were probably going to come and irritate him or something. He almost jumped when someone started banging on the door.

''Oi! SUBARU! COME ON! YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE!'' Subaru's eyes widened. He completely forgot about school! Reiji is going to murder him. Just as he launched out of bed, his knees felt like jelly and he fell into a heap on the floor making the ones standing outside the door suspicious of the noise. 

''I-I'm coming!'' he yelled, in a hoarse voice. Laito hesitated a little but opened the door only to see Subaru struggling to stand up. Ayato rushed inside helping Subaru up. Subaru was holding a hand to his mouth and just looked at Ayato, panicked. Ayato understood and brought him to the toilet for Subaru to vomit. Laito was already on his way to inform the rest of them about the situation. Reiji sighed while massaging the bridge of his nose. He quietly went into the kitchen with the gaze of the other three fixed on him.

''I'm going to make him some soup. Kanato and Laito, go and look for medicine. It should be in my room, located in the first cupboard.'' Both of them nodded and immediately ran for his room. Their little brother needed their help. Shu quietly followed Reiji and helped him with cooking without Reiji asking anything. Reiji didn't comment on this.

Soon, Subaru was wrapped up in a fluffy sweater, with bunny ears on top of the hood (courtesy of Kanato) and also many fluffy blankets. Shu was feeding him the soup and the others were lying on the bed. Well, the triplets were. Reiji sat on the chair near to the bed, reading a book. After completing the soup, Subaru weakly asked Reiji,

''Aren't we going to school?'' The others narrowed their eyes at him.

''How can you go to school when you can't even hold yourself up! You're throwing up like crazy and Shu basically had to force feed the soup to you since you didn't want to eat anything!'' Laito said, in a stern tone. Subaru ducked his head down, embarrassed. Kanato sidled beside Subaru and side hugged him with Teddy in the middle.

''You can cuddle with Teddy since you're not well.'' Subaru quietly thanked him just as Reiji said,

''Go to sleep Subaru. We all will be right here. Get some rest.'' Subaru nodded and he was soon sandwiched between Shu and Kanato with Laito and Ayato at the foot of the bed while Reiji silently placed himself at the edge of the bed on Kanato's side.

The elder brothers will make sure that their youngest brother gets some well deserved rest.

So yeah, this is the first one. I will try to publish the next one tomorrow or on Sunday.

By the way, check me out on ao3. I go by the name, AnonymousBTSARMY  there and I wrote three works on Subaru-centric.

Take care and stay safe!

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