My Cool Big Brother

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"And ladies and gentlemen, there is only one minute left for the game to be over... It seems The Russian Ray are in the lead! Oh No! The Japanese Joy have taken the ball! But hey what's this? It seems Jake has the ball.. he is dribbling to the basket and he jumps and he ......SCORES!! The Russian Ray has won the tournament!" The announcer cheered.

Ayato cursed as he heard cheers from half of the crowd. They were so close to winning. But... It had to be expected since the Russian Ray have been playing for more than 7 years. His team was a rookie group, barely three year of experience but damn! If they had been selected then they should have won! They were pitted against them because The Japanese Joy were capable to win!

He heard the boos coming from the other team and he didn't even look at them. He just silently went into the changing room along with his team who were thinking optimistically,

"Hey maybe we will win next time!'

"Yeah! This gives us more experience!"

He had no time for this optimistic thoughts of his team and he quickly changed and went back outside of the gate. He heard footsteps coming towards him.
Ayato turned around to see Laito coming towards him, with a smirk on his face.

The redhead rolled his eyes and asked,

"What? Coming to mock me? Just leave me alone." Laito shook his head and said,

"I can sense from a mile away that you're upset Ayato. Come here. Let's have a manly hug." Ayato rolled his eyes and accepted it begrudgingly.

Laito laughed and said,

"You know, you were not really bad out there." Ayato snorted.

"Yeah right. As the team captain, I should have been more capable and guided them better. Now we lost. It's because of me." Laito narrowed his eyes.

"Ayato. You do understand that they were PROFESSIONALS. You guys are ROOKIES. You guys have barely been playing for three years and they have lots more experience than you. Atleast 4+years more! And besides, didn't you have a new guy places on your team suddenly?" Ayato nodded.

"Yeah. Kai broke his leg last week and we had to get a new player for this. Man, was he bummed out. He cried so much."

"Yes.. and what did you tell him?" Laito had a twinkle in his eyes as Ayato rolled his eyes.

"I just told him that, maybe he was about to go for something bigger that is why his leg broke. Maybe this match was not for him and he was required for a bigger match. I just told him the truth."

"Yes. You acted like the perfect captain. You consoled your team mate. You made sure to incorporate the new guy so that he can play to his best without feeling excluded and you also made sure to motivate your team before and during the game."

Ayato wrinkled his nose as he knew Laito was not done yet.

"Now all you have to do is go and cheer them up for the next game. And as you said to Kai, maybe this game was not for you guys and you will be in for something even better. Besides, as a rookie group you managed to keep the professional team on their toes. Man, were they tensed!" Ayato smiled at his brother's speech.

"You're right and besides when is Ore-sama ever wrong?" He smirked and Laito sighed as he saw Ayato walk back to the changing room.

"Yep. Ore-sama is back again. I kinda wish he didn't though. I liked pouty Ayato." Laito pouted.

Hey guys, I'm back! Hope you like it!

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