DPS Supports - JJonak x Reader

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It was the middle of the Eichenwalde match and you, JJonak, and Hotba were the last ones on the point. Hotba had been demeched by Houston Outlaws Danteh. The commentators and fans were going crazy because as soon as Hotba had been demeched he was eliminated and only you and JJonak were left to secure the win.

"Their all anti!" You exclaimed staying as calm as possible.

"I got it, Winston and Ana cut" JJonak responded with soon after you called out our anti.

"Cree cut" You said killing off Danteh who has been carrying his team.

"I'm on my way back with SBB stay alive!!" You and JJonak heard Mano's voice through the headset.

"Mano has swapped to Winston and SBB has switched to Tracer to get back to the point! JJonak and Y/N are still holding??!!! How is this possible??" Jake exclaimed from the commentator area.

"I don't know Jake but if they can hold off for a few more seconds Mano and SBB will be able to help them out and we are also seeing a switch to wrecking ball from Hotba." Reinforce said it looked like he was on the edge of his seat in anticipation of what is going to happen next.

You and JJonak eliminated two of the remaining members but the Houston's Moria had gotten away and regrouped with the team. Muma, Danteh, and MekO's respawn meters were up and were on their way back to see if they could get NYXL into Overtime and a possible hold. But the rest of the NYXL was already back and pushing the cart. Jecse switched to lucio to get Rapel and liNkzr back into the fight. But it was to late NYXL had finished the push and ended the match to take the Houston 3-1. 

"HELL YEEAAA!!!!!" You screamed and pumped your fist up jumping out of your chair.

All of hugged each other more than happy that you won. Everyone took a quick breath before lining up to shake the Houston outlaws hands. After saying good game to the Houston Outlaws you and JJonak were going to be interviewed by Danny. Danny was waiting at the bottom for the both of you and watched as you guys walked down to meet him.

"So JJonak, Y/N that was an intense last match if you two didn't hold what would have happened?" Danny asked translating into Korean for JJonak as well.

"If we hadn't held we would be going onto a map 5 but we wanted to end it right there right away." You said talking into the mic resisting the urge to grab the mic(A/N: Lmao had to do it).

"Well  thank god New York has amazing DPS supports and people say supports shouldn't DPS" JJonak said in Korean and laughed a little.

"Well today we will be giving two signed jerseys out to two lucky fans, so the first jersey will be a signed jersey from JJonak and the winner is (insert random person name)" Danny said and the person came up joyful.

JJonak gave the fan a smile and gave them the Jersey the hug that came afterwards was awkward per usual with these kinds of in person give aways.

"Now for the Jersey signed by Y/N the winner is (insert another random person name)" Danny announced the name and they came up to receive the jersey and the awkward hug that came after it.

You gave the Jersey to the fan and the hug was still awkward but not as bad as some of the boys hugs. After the interview and the jersey give away the two of you headed backstage to meet with the rest of NYXL. 

"EYYY LOOK THE DPS SUPPORTS HAVE ARRIVED!!!!  also we are going to go celebrate!" Mano said laying down on a couch that was backstage.

"Ey who's paying???" You asked

"I think Mano and Haksal can pay since they were the first ones to die" JJonak said jokingly calling them out.

"good idea! Looks like you two are paying" SBB said.

"AWWEEE come on now I regret getting to aggressive" Haksal pouted

"I only died to try and save your over aggressive ass lmao" Mano said shrugging and laughing a little

"Well lets go!!!!!! before we stay here for hours!" You said running to the parking lot to your motorcycle and JJonak quickly followed after you because you had promised him he could ride on your motorcycle.

Mano sent you a text so you knew what restaurant to go to, everyone else had gotten into the cars they came and getting ready to leave. You gave JJonak the other Helmet, once JJonak wrapped his arms around your waist you started up the motorcycle and left the parking lot of the Blizzard Stadium.

~ A/N: The end! ~

~ Number of words without A/N: 755 ~

~ Number of words with A/N: 793 ~

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