Ray of Hope

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Lisanna Belle's P.O.V:

I stood in the hallway watching James Potter torment Severus. What did he ever do to deserve this treatment? He was crying in the hallway because Lily abandoned him after he accidentally called her a 'mudblood'. Ever since he lost his best friend, I noticed that he hardly eats, sleeps and no longer talks, resorting to wandless magic to defend himself from bullies. Ever since the incident in the Great Hall earlier...
*Flashback starts*

Severus trudged into the Great Hall and sat at his house table, a depressed frown on his face.

It has been 3 weeks since the Incident and the day he lost Lily's friendship. As he played around with his eggs, he thought about how many times Lily berated him for hanging out with his so-called friends,  none of them were horrible. They were forced to become Death Eaters.

The noise level wasn't helping either,  so he stormed over to the Gryffindor table and said,  "Liliana Sayra Chrysanthemum Evans, you know nothing about the Slytherins.  None of you do. Most of them were harshly punished by their parents, myself included. Ever since we arrived at Hogwarts, you've been telling me what you think is right and wrong. You hardly listen to me,  and you said that you can see the good in everyone,  Slytherins included.  I never meant to call you a mudblood.  People make bad choices if they're mad or scared or stressed. Why do you think Ssssslytherinsssss are always together? If the only thing you, the teachers,  or my own house are gonna do is berate and degrade me, then maybe my father should've killed me along with my mother, EILEEN SNAPE NÉE PRINCE!!!!"

With a heartbroken sob, Severus turned around and ran out of the Hall as fast as he could, leaving a shocked and silent Great Hall, guilty teachers and students,  and a stunned Lily behind.

*Flashback ends*

"Severus," I called as I walked over to the crying boy. I tapped him on the shoulder, but he harshly flinched at the touch and cried harder. I was shocked. Could he be abused at home? "look at me. I know you're upset about you losing your friendship with Lily. I want you to know that she's the one who's wrong. It's pointless to throw away a lifelong friendship over a simple mistake. I'll talk to Lily and try to make her see reason. But in the meantime, I believe you're in need of a lie down in the hospital wing and proper medical treatment. You're exhausted and thin. If you keep this up, you'll only make yourself sick." He tried to protest, but he wouldn't budge. Looks like I have to resort to more melodic measures.

Severus's P.O.V:

What did she mean by melodic measures? Then, Lisanna Belle started singing a beautiful lullaby and before I knew it, I was asleep. When I woke up, I found myself in the hospital wing.

"Ah, Mr. Snape! You're awake at last. I guess I shouldn't be surprised,  considering that you've gone almost a month without sleeping or eating." Madam Pomfrey said as she came to check my diagnostics. Almost a month?!

"What happened?" I asked hoarsely. Madam Pomfrey looked at me and replied, "A girl named Lisanna Belle Greenfield-Strauss found you crying in the hallway. She told you that you were in need of proper medical treatment and a lie down but, your stubborn streak kicked in. She sang you a lullaby and brought you here. You've been asleep for about 2 weeks. "

Wow, she actually cared. Later on after I was released, it was time for dinner. I didn't want to talk to my housemates,  but I did want to send a letter to my grandparents. So, I brought out my flute that my grandfather gave me for my birthday.  You see, I have a female barn owl named Echo. But, she doesn't respond to whistles. She responds to music, specifically the flute.

 She responds to music, specifically the flute

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(This is Echo)

The only song she answers to is 'Morning Mood'.

(Stop at 0:10)

The moment I started playing my flute, however, the entire hall went silent and all eyes were on me. I've never been so embarrassed in my life! Blushing, I handed Echo the letter and   kept my eyes on my plate. But, the girl who helped me was clapping,  and before long, everyone was applauding me.  Maybe there was a ray of hope in my life after all.

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