Serenading Slytherins

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James Potter was in a foul mood today, because his punching bag, Snivellus,  kept managing to avoid him and his friends. Now, here he was under his invisibility cloak, following him into a room full of instruments. There was a guitar, violin, drums, piano, microphone, and a flute. Severus hesitated for a second, before picking up the guitar and standing in front of the microphone.  James quickly cast Sonorus on Severus's vocal cords and conjured up some speakers in the Great Hall,  where everyone was gathered for lunch. James quickly rushed into the Hall, and right on cue the sound of a guitar and someone singing  collided with everyone's ears.

I wanted you to see me

But for so long you were blind

Lily perked up at that verse, like she felt it was directed her her.

Now it's time to face tomorrow

And leave all that stuff behind

Of what would our lives have been like

If you'd just given me a sign

'Cause I like you more than all the other

Things I like combined

I spent all of my school days

Just calling your name

I thought that you'd always be there for me

I guess that was a lie

Goodbye, Lily

Everyone was in shock that Severus felt this way about Lily. He was just a lonely person with a horrible home life in need of friends.

Lily on the other hand,  was shocked into tears. How could she have been so blindsided to his feelings? He loves her and she abandoned him for his bully.

Later that evening,  Severus walked into the Great Hall and sat at his table singing under his breath.

You don't have to be rich

To be my girl

You don't have to be cool

To rule my world

Ain't no particular song

I'm more compatible with

I just want your extra-

He was brought out of his thoughts by Lucius tapping his shoulder. "Nice singing, Sev," he teased with a smirk. Severus blushed furiously and squeaked out a small "thank you,". In the Slytherin common room, a first year named Annika Elizabeth, his adoptive little sister, was crying because she was bullied by the Marauders.

"Annika, are you okay?" Severus asked coming to sit next to her on the couch.  Annika sniffled and replied, "No, big brother. James Potty said I should just kill myself!!!"

Severus was furious! Who in their right mind tells an eleven year old child to commit suicide?! The sixth year picked the child  up and cradled her in his arms. Then, he started singing their special lullaby. (A/N: Severus is German,  so this song is his native language. I put the lyrics down for translation)

Where the Northwind meets the sea

There's a river full of memory

Sleep, my darling,  safe and sound

For in this river all is found

Annika's eyes started to close,  encouraging Severus to keep going. He started stroking her hair and walked around the common room.

In her waters, deep and true

Lie the answers and a path for you

Dive down deep into her sound

But not too far or you'll be drowned

Most of the Slytherin students were in awe of how..caring Severus could be.

Yes, she will sing to those who hear

And in her song, all magic flows

But can you brave what you most fear?

Can you face what the river knows?

Where  the Northwind meets the sea

There's a mother full of memory

Come, my darling, homeward bound

When all is lost

Then all is found

With that last verse sung, Annika was fast asleep in her big brother's arms.
Severus smiled warmly at his sleeping baby sister in his warm embrace. He laid her on the couch and covered her with a blanket. He then turned to his gobsmacked housemates. "I have something to tell you all. But you all must take an oath to not reveal this to anyone other than who I say is worthy to know. Understood?" Severus asked them. Once everyone took the oath,  he waved his wand and pointed it at himself. His black greasy hair disappeared to reveal beautiful golden hair tied in a waist length braid with a maroon ribbon adorned with a skull at his neck and his eyes opened to reveal emerald orbs. His housemates were shocked.

"Is there anyone who is injured?" Severus asked. Lucius stepped up and revealed an old gash on his arm. Then,  Severus did something strange. He wrapped his hair around Lucius's arm and started singing.

Flower, gleam and glow

Let your power shine

Make the clock reverse

Bring back what once was mine

Heal what has been hurt

Change the fate's design

Save what has been lost

Bring back what once was mine

What once was mine

As he sang,  his hair started glowing and radiated a comforting warmth. When he stopped, Lucius's arm was healed!

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