Seeing Reason

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Lisanna Belle's POV:

I was furious! Lily broke her promise to always be friends with Severus over a slip of the tongue. It has been 4 months since Severus reported his abuse and he was making great progress. His hair was no longer greasy, instead it was long and reached his waist a d his skin looked healthier.  Madam Pomfrey even managed to fix his nose. He was fibally getting along with the other students, and he was happy, but missed his best friend. That was so not okay in my book. You may not know this, but my temper is widely known all over the school. Even the professors knew better than tk mess with me when my temper flares up. I stormed into the Great Hall, it was breakfast time, and yelled, "LILIANA SAYRA CHRYSANTHEMUM EVANS!!".

All conversations ceased at once as I stormed over to my house table. Lily froze and paled as I reached her and the Marauders. "I would like to have a word with you in the RoR," I hissed out icily, then glared at the three boys and headmaster.  "Don't think you boys are off the hook either. Except for Remus, he's dismissed. I will speak to you after I speak to Lily because there are some changes that need to be made. One of them is the stupid prejudice against Slytherin. For Merlin's sake! Merlin was a Slytherin himself.  Slytherins can be good or bad. I will explain after I speak to Liliana and these four dunderheads."

(POV off)

In the Room of Requirement, Lisanna Belle pushed Lily onto the sofa and paced in front of her angrily.

"Let me see if I understand this: Severus called you a mudblood accidentally, you broke your friendship with him, refused to accept his apology,  and refused to listen to his side of the story. Correct?" Lisanna Belle asked the girl on the sofa.

"Yes," Lily squeaked out, scared of the girl in front of her.

"Liliana Sayra Chrysanthemum Evans,  you made a horrible mistake. Sev thinks that you really hate him, he hasn't slept or eaten for a month, and is dangerously thin and exhausted. While I am alive, Severus and Annika are under the protection of House Gryffindor, House Ravenclaw,  House Hufflepuff and House Slytherin. I am the heiress of Hogwarts and I won't tolerate backstabbing,  broken promises,  or bullying. You were his bridge of light in the shadows of his heart and you abandoned him.  He LOVES you, Liliana. He was angry and humiliated when he said that. People make bad choices when they're mad or scared or stressed, Lily. Don't lose your friendship over a stupid mistake. I love you both more than friends.  Think about what I said," Lisanna Belle explained before walking off, leaving a shocked Lily in the Room of Requirement.

(Le time skip by Madam Lestrange)

Lisanna Belle stood in front of the head table and cast Sonorus on her vocal cords. "May I have your attention,  please? Thank you.  Now, I'm going to be making some changes around this school and you'd better obey them, or you'll be out of here faster than you can say 'Don't drop the soap'. This prejudice against Slytherin is atrocious. And your behavior, Gryffindor, is deplorable. Especially yours, James Charles Potter, Sirius Orion Black, and Peter Jackson Pettigrew. Attacking a student with their back turned is cowardice. That's something  that a Slytherin would do!I have never been so ashamed. And to think, Gryffindor is the house of the brave. Severus and Annika Elizabeth Prince are orphans and are grieving for their mother's death, Eileen Snape née Prince. Both of them were abused horribly by their father, who tried to beat their magic out of them. You've all been bullying and assaulting the Lord of a Most Ancient and Noble House, a family line that dates back to Merlin. Those of you that are purebloods, what will your parents think when they learn that you've been bullying Lord Prince by maternal blood?" Lisanna Belle scolded the Great Hall, a majority of the students and staff looking down in shame. But, shs wasn't done yet. "Furthermore,  I hereby fire Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore as Headmaster of Hogwarts and I'm taking away 200 points from Gryffindor, specifically James, Sirius, and Peter, for malicious abuse of Slytherin House. Those 200 points will go to Slytherin as compensation for the prejudice against you. The temporary Headmistress of Hogwarts will be Minerva Mcgonagall. Albus Dumbledore will be teaching Transfiguration from now on. And no more favouritism to students. I am Lady Hogwarts and I will not tolerate abuse,  bullying,  or the word 'mudblood'. Lucius Malfoy.."

Said blonde blushed and stiffened. Lisanna Belle giggled and continued.

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