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WARNING: This chapter contains some homophobic slurs. This chapter also contains sexual scenes. Please use discretion when reading.

Castiel's neighbor -- Zachariah to you -- hadn't come back to the bar since he got punched by Dean. He had clearly won that battle, but he didn't come back to win the war.

Castiel hid behind the bar still, watching with wide eyes when people came in, waiting and dreading for his neighbor to come back. It had been three weeks, three weeks of living at Dean's, wearing his clothes, sleeping in his bed and eating in his kitchen, and three weeks of anxiety building and threatening to crush Castiel with the burden of its weight. He felt scared, and paranoid, and even jumped at loud noises or sudden movements.

Dean's twenty-seventh birthday came and went, and Sam went with it. He returned to school reluctantly. Sam was worried for both Dean and Castiel -- who he considered a friend, now -- and he tried not to cry when it was time to leave. He hugged Castiel first, a brief friendly hug, then turned to Dean. He hugged him tightly for several minutes.

Dean felt sad, but didn't cry. Despite the fact that his Sammy was leaving for several months and his Cas was mentally deteriorating faster than a snowman in spring, he didn't cry. And then, just like that, Sam was gone.

Castiel sat down on the couch, leading Dean by the hand, and pulled his boyfriend back into his chest, tucking Dean's head under his chin.

"You're all touchy feely today, huh, Sunshine?" Dean smiled, settling nicely between Castiel's legs, resting his arms on the other man's thighs.

Castiel slid his hands past Dean's neck to rest them on his chest. He squeezed Dean briefly in a hug, then huffed in a smile. "You know how I feel," He said sheepishly. Dean twisted around, and kissed Castiel lightly in response. "And it helps that we're finally home alone together."

"Home alone, huh?" Dean chuckled and laid his head on Castiel's shoulder. "We should make mac and cheese and stay up all night."

Castiel furrowed his brows in brief confusion before he laughed, a few short, quiet barks. "I'd like that," He kissed the top of Dean's head, then lifted Dean's chin. "But only if you kiss me for awhile."

Dean grinned, "Deal," and pressed their lips together.


And then, the day came. Dean decided enough was enough.

"Can I borrow some jeans, Dean?" Castiel asked, standing in his boxers and towel drying his hair. "I can't find mine."

Dean was reading, sitting on the couch. He sighed and shut the book. "You know what my answer is," He stood up and reached his hand out. His fingertips brushed Castiel's chest, and he let his hand fall back to his side. "But it's time, Cas."

Castiel's eyes flickered around nervously, and he set the towel around his neck. He decided to play dumb. "Time for what?"

Dean made a bitchface. "I'm fine with you continuing to live here," He used his hands to talk, keeping his eyes fixed in Castiel's direction. "But if you're going to do that, you need to move in, you know, officially."

"You want me to go back..." Castiel lowered his eyes to the floor, and his hand moved to a protective position on his ribs. The bruises were gone, but he could swear he could still feel them. "Dean --"

"I know you're scared," Dean said quickly. He took Castiel's hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "But I'll be right there next to you."

Castiel's brows creased together. He felt that foot again, slamming into his chest. He couldn't help but imagine Dean's chest getting the same destructive treatment. "No," He shook his head and squeezed his eyes shut tight, trying to shove that image away. "No, I can go alone."

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