Crappy Ol' Lake

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And here we are right now waiting for Sapphire. Cash ain't in a good mood because of her being late until finally we heard a bicycle ahead. It was Sapphire. " I'm sorry I' m late, I just got my . . ." She began but she was cut off by the evil grin made by Cash. So we all went in the lake to meet our doom. . .

Cash ask me to get some woods for the bonfire. I found something peculiar there, there were actually ready cut woods. Who might have cut these if there's no one here? the thought of which gave me the shivers. I quickly grab the woods and held them in my arms when suddenly, I thought there was someone moving from behind the trees and that gave me the urge to run. I ran and ran but still the figure was still following me. When suddenly I exited the woods, not noticing a small rock in front of me. I tripped and fell. the woods rolled towards the lake and unfortunately they got wet, I immediately got up and got the woods.

I still held them in my arms when suddenly Mage took it from me but before I could tell her it was wet I heard the laugh of Cash and Mark coming from the woods. now i know Who scared me to death. Cash and Mark are like partners-in-crime of bullying people most especially me ever since fourth grade ( the day I transferred in mystic falls ). They were the total annoyance of the whole universe.

" this dare is totally easy!" he exclaimed still laughing. There laughs echoed beyond the waters of the lake.

"are you already chickening out, Donny Doofus?" I rolled my eyes in reply.

" In your face Cash!" I shouted back, turning towards Mage and said,

" It's actually we. . . " I said warning her that it would would be useless to light the damned thing. But then, my eyes grew wide in amazement as it lit up, just like that. " You were saying?" she answered . . .

Later that night, we all gathered around the bonfire. waiting for something that may scare one of us away. then there was. I was staring at the fire when suddenly there was a figure or some-sort of a face being formed by the fire.

I shot up and said," did you see that," pointing to the bonfire. " there's something in the fire!" I continued.

" oh p-lease, your just hallucinating. you can just leave if you want to." Cash said with a sneer.

" shut up Cash! I saw your face when I reacted. I know you saw what I saw" I said.

" do you believe this guy?" He looked around, stepping closer to me and whispered in my ear, "It's your word against mine." he continued.

But suddenly the wind began to blew harder and the fire flickered as to where the wind takes it. Later on the fire from the bonfire began to form a weird figure of an animal or something and it was walking towards us LIKE ZOMBIE!! we all ran away from the freaky thing. now I asn't the only person who saw it, i thought. we were actually running from a walking animal-like fire.

We ran as fast as lightning. the voice of Cash made us to a halt," I think we lost it." we stopped to catch our breath.

" what the hell was that thing?" Sapphire blurted out immediately. but no one answered for no one knew the answer.

" Don, lets get out of here. . ." Mage said trembling. Cash answered her instead.

" Are you afraid Magee?" he said. I got extremely annoyed by him, calling us names, that i shoved him and now it was his turn to fall on the ground! HA HA! in your face Cash! I bet his bones trembled that much that he wasn't able to stand up immediately and fight back.

" I am so sick of you!! maybe you haven't noticed you were the first person to run and definitely the fastest ever!" i shouted at him. At first i really felt good that i had my revenge. I noticed that he was just staring at the ground, speechless.

Something was moving behind the trees. we turned our heads to every direction it goes, hoping to know what it was. when suddenly, we heard the most horrifying sound ever. we walked towards a bush as of were we believe the sound came from. i could see that Cash already stood up. as we came closer we peeked to see what it was and expected for the worse to happen. Eventually we sighed in relief as a frog leaped out of the bush. it leaped and leaped as it headed towards Cash. I noticed Cash was the only person not relieved. and I could see that he was horrified at the sight of the Frog leaping towards him. he suddenly ran, and we all followed him. i can't believe that the person that i was afraid of was actually afraid of FROGS!!! i held my breath breath to prevent from laughing. but then, my my expression changed when i realized that Cash was heading to the bonfire site. Meaning, we are again going to face that creature. I called his name again and again but he ignored my pleas. i had no other choice but to follow them for it would be more difficult if I would be left alone.

Finally, Cash decided to take a break. I jogged towards them and look around if there was any sign of the walking fire thingy, but there wasn't.

Sapphire began to say, " Did you know that the origin of the word bonfire comes from the words 'bone' and 'fire'? It was once used to burn bones and it might be- if that thing goes back- it's our bones that is gonna be burned! if only we go back. . . " she said shivering because of fear and coldness.

Everyone was so quiet that we could hear the howls of the wolves from a far and the sound of the crickets hiding under the stones.

But the sound of the flickering fire from behind us broke the silence. We all turned in horror and saw the weird animal-like fire thingy. but before we could run, It started to open it's mouth.

" IT'S GONNA EAT US!!!!!" Mark blurted out. .. . .

Boonfire (on going)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon